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Make(file) alternatives #58

Open atc0005 opened 4 years ago

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

I've seen a number of developers suggest using Makefiles to handle Go project builds (I'm learning to do this as well):

I've also seen a number of suggestions for alternative (even Go-based) tooling.

Here are some of the tools I want to look more into:

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

Mixed results. So far none of the options I've tried seem to handle cross-compiling multiple cmd/app path binaries well, but I'll keep at it.

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

Might just stick with make after all.

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

Might give this another look as well.

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

FWIW, the Terraform project uses a Makefile as the entry point and a shell script to perform the actual build:

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

I've already gone through and tested multiple packages and I thought, created a test branch for them where I recorded the work done thus far. Digging around now I'm not finding the files; kuddos to me for stuffing them into a closest and forgetting which cobwebs they're hiding behind.

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

See also atc0005/bridge#45

atc0005 commented 4 years ago

I've already gone through and tested multiple packages and I thought, created a test branch for them where I recorded the work done thus far. Digging around now I'm not finding the files; kuddos to me for stuffing them into a closest and forgetting which cobwebs they're hiding behind.

Found it:

atc0005 commented 4 years ago


atc0005 commented 4 years ago

Note: I'm using atc0005/bridge for further tinkering with this idea, specifically atc0005/bridge#45.

As of this writing, I used the i45-further-makefile-replacement-testing branch to do further testing with (putting it on hold for now) and am just beginning to tinker with

Will test further in that direction, as the project is active and the lead developer seemed approachable in the past.