atc1441 / ATC_RF03_Ring

Findings and custom firmware for the Colmi R02 (and similar) Smart Ring with RF03 BlueX SoC
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New R03 Firmware with Gestures #21

Open batman887 opened 4 weeks ago

batman887 commented 4 weeks ago

It looks like the R03 has a new updated firmware that activated gestures control and 5 minute heart rate tracking. That firmware should work on the R02 and R06 and have the gestures feature working right?

batman887 commented 2 weeks ago

Edit: So it looks like there's no firmware update. It looks like the European version of the play store updated their QRing app to include the gestures settings. So in theory you can activate this if you can get access to this version of the app. I'm also guessing that after you activate the feature you can probably uninstall the app afterwards and the gestures would still work.