atc1441 / ATC_RF03_Ring

Findings and custom firmware for the Colmi R02 (and similar) Smart Ring with RF03 BlueX SoC
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sdk compilation #4

Open decaduto opened 1 week ago

decaduto commented 1 week ago


I was analyzing by my own those smart rings too, One question: have you already found a way for compiling the firmware from the SDK?

Thank you

decaduto commented 1 week ago

PS: in the SDK there isn't any makefile and in general the few docs I found are in cinese, but I haven't found any instruction for the build process.

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

You can use Keil for that in the stock implemenation right now

osresearch commented 1 week ago

The SDK appears to have a license that allows source redistribution, so I've created a standalone tree osresearch/bx3-sdk cloned from . diffing the trees shows that this is the same as the 20 part tar file containing a zip file of the 3.3.6 release stored in this repo.

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

Thanks for that @osresearch yes that V3.3.6 in this repo is just a gitee clone to give easy access to it.

its worth to note that the older V2 SDK has more infos and tools inside which is missing on the newer SDK version

decaduto commented 1 week ago

You can use Keil for that in the stock implemenation right now

The only makefile present in the v3 SDK used 'gcc' as a default compiler and I've noticed that the names of the paths are wrong (gnu instead of GNU etc..) The most important things to find RN Is a build script, Is It present from the V2?

decaduto commented 1 week ago

Thanks for that @osresearch yes that V3.3.6 in this repo is just a gitee clone to give easy access to it.

its worth to note that the older V2 SDK has more infos and tools inside which is missing on the newer SDK version

Also, do you have some idea if the 'demo' folder contains the effettive code used in those Rings firmware? If I find some time I try to reverse the ota Fw and search for common patterns for a specific 'demo' code.

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

Here is a manual to set up eclipse for the SDK (untested but looks good)

This way a custom setup is simpler to get running

decaduto commented 1 week ago

Here is a manual to set up eclipse for the SDK (untested but looks good)

This way a custom setup is simpler to get running

I made It working for Linux, at least I fixed the problem with Cmake, the only problem Is that I don't know how to get fromelf, which seems to be offerend by the armcc compiler tools.

Also, I analyzed the firmware from the OTA server, It has a lot of strings which aren't present in the source code, I can Imagine that this Is due to OEM modifications.

osresearch commented 1 week ago

I've also been hacking on a Makefile to work with the existing demos and have things compiling up to the link stage. Are some of the functions stored in (an actual?) ROM? There is no source for memset() or ke_timer_set() in the source tree, and instead they are referenced in components/bluex/ble/controller/rom_syms_armcc.txt as if they were located at constant offsets.

For Magic Lantern back in 2010 we maintained a similar table for each ROM version (such as 5D Mark 2 v2.1.2 and had some compile time magic to generate these symbols at the correct address. Is there a better way these days?

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

I know of such things still being used on other chips. so not unlikely

decaduto commented 1 week ago

I've also been hacking on a Makefile to work with the existing demos and have things compiling up to the link stage. Are some of the functions stored in (an actual?) ROM? There is no source for memset() or ke_timer_set() in the source tree, and instead they are referenced in components/bluex/ble/controller/rom_syms_armcc.txt as if they were located at constant offsets.

For Magic Lantern back in 2010 we maintained a similar table for each ROM version (such as 5D Mark 2 v2.1.2 and had some compile time magic to generate these symbols at the correct address. Is there a better way these days?

Yes, in my experience I found a lot of glibc basic functions in ROM, like memcpy, strncpy and memset too, but honestly I think It would be Better to create a stub which contains inline functions for memset and so on, It should be pretty fast to do.

Have you worked with the sdk3 or the sdk2.1? i am able to compile the sdk2.1, but It fails because It cannot find fromelf, which Is inside the keil compiler, but I haven't a Copy of It, do you have?

decaduto commented 1 week ago

guys, some additional analysis on the firmware "R02_1.00.05_211220.bin": I don't think the chip is the RF03, instead, I think is somewhat linked to a realtek 87xx model, I have searched for some matching strings in the SDK, and there is almost NOTHING in common, but, if you try to do a code search on github, you will came across a LOT of strings used by realtek SDK, some examples follows: (sorry for the confusion, I have only some minutes rn), the question is: are we sure that the SDK is the correct one? and what if the chipset for this specific firmware is the RTL87xx? I haven't checked the other 2 firmwares, it may be possible that they choose to use both realtek and Bluex mcu, additional investigation is needed imho.

decaduto commented 1 week ago

I confirm that only the second OTA Fw Is effectively linked with the rtl8762 mcu, It has a different size compared to the other 2 and presents a completely different strings set, I think we should fork the development in multiple directions.

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

Take a look at the firmware dump I got out of the RF03 itself, everything fits for it to be the BlueX one, "BX24" header memory locations etc. (BX2400 is the "top" name of all the RF01-RF08 models)

The Colmi company also makes a lot of Smartwatches with the RTL SoC's so they will be using one code base as also the BLE protocol is the one used in the Smartwatches.

They will just have ported the existing code fitting to the RF03, the Smart Ring series is the only one using that SOC. One newer ring model SR1 even uses the Dialog DA14531. Also the FW ota header fits into the SDK:

So unless BlueX and RTL is one company under the same name I would not say it is any RTL Chip

I can be totally wrong of course!

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

So yeah, just to confirm, the running firmware is definitely coming from the BlueX SDK :)

As an example take a look at the decompiled function 0x80E790 (OTA firmware plus 0x803000 offset) It is clearly the I2C_scl init function. And looking at its calling function(0x811BC0) you will also see the other GPIO inits. Also to get the same start, 0x8139F0 is main.


osresearch commented 1 week ago

I see lots of common strings from the BX3 SDK in the OTA firmwares, as well. Things like "SDK3", rf01_onchip and user_scan_rsp_data appear in the sdk3 tree, and the flash partition magic 01PE followed by different sections like bl, app, and kvdb.

I have the examples/base/app_base compiling up to the linking stage with a hand-hacked makefile and linker script (and the ble_init() call commented out), but need to setup for reprogramming via the hardware pins so that I can recover from a botched flash. Unfortunately the assembly .s files are in a non-gcc dialect and will need some massaging to work with arm-none-eabi-as. The BLE stack uses them, which is why I've temporarily removed it from my build.

decaduto commented 1 week ago

I see lots of common strings from the BX3 SDK in the OTA firmwares, as well. Things like "SDK3", rf01_onchip and user_scan_rsp_data appear in the sdk3 tree, and the flash partition magic 01PE followed by different sections like bl, app, and kvdb.

I have the examples/base/app_base compiling up to the linking stage with a hand-hacked makefile and linker script (and the ble_init() call commented out), but need to setup for reprogramming via the hardware pins so that I can recover from a botched flash. Unfortunately the assembly .s files are in a non-gcc dialect and will need some massaging to work with arm-none-eabi-as. The BLE stack uses them, which is why I've temporarily removed it from my build.

I am talking only for the R02_1.00.05_211220.bin firmware (the One with 274 KB of size), the other 2 are from the SDK.

osresearch commented 1 week ago

Sorry, I had missed that detail! Yes, the R02 OTA firmware is totally different from the other two and appears to be for a totally different product. Maybe some sort of wristband with a display?

decaduto commented 1 week ago

So yeah, just to confirm, the running firmware is definitely coming from the BlueX SDK :)

As an example take a look at the decompiled function 0x80E790 (OTA firmware plus 0x803000 offset) It is clearly the I2C_scl init function. And looking at its calling function(0x811BC0) you will also see the other GPIO inits. Also to get the same start, 0x8139F0 is main.


Well, I cannot find that Function in R02_1.00.05_211220.bin (I am using ghidra), I have searched Also for the scalar values but there isn't anything related, also note that there isn't any strings like "rf02" or "bluex" in that binary, I suppose that each ring could have only one of the 3 firmwares you uploaded in this repo, Is that correct?

For the header, they could have adapted It to fit with the other 2 models which uses the same bx3 SDK, I cannot believe that the R02_1.00.05_211220.bin Is based on the sdk3, it has too many things which don't fit with the other 2 firmwares.

Also note that the STK8321 "driver" used in the Ximax R02 smart ring isn't referenced in the bluex SDK but Is present in the rtl8762 SDK.

decaduto commented 1 week ago

Sorry, I had missed that detail! Yes, the R02 OTA firmware is totally different from the other two and appears to be for a totally different product. Maybe some sort of wristband with a display?

It doesn't have a display mine R02.

I linked above the possible SDK, i think Is based on a rtl8762, but I am not so sure, I Will play with the hardware for understanding the precise SoC they are using.

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

Yeah also missed the detail that you where referring to the "R02_1.00.05_211220.bin" and not the latest "R02_3.00.06_240523.bin" which I used to reverse engineer. The firmware dump also includes that newer R02_3.00.06 FW:

So based on that completely different firmware with RTL there is a very high chance that there are indeed 2 Hardware versions of the R02 ring out there, (The other named rings like R03 etc. will most likely have the same hardware as R01 or R02)

Do you have a ring already and see the Chip inside?

decaduto commented 1 week ago

Yeah also missed the detail that you where referring to the "R02_1.00.05_211220.bin" and not the latest "R02_3.00.06_240523.bin" which I used to reverse engineer. The firmware dump also includes that newer R02_3.00.06 FW:

So based on that completely different firmware with RTL there is a very high chance that there are indeed 2 Hardware versions of the R02 ring out there, (The other named rings like R03 etc. will most likely have the same hardware as R01 or R02)

Do you have a ring already and see the Chip inside?

I have that ring physically, very soon I Will give you the chip name.

decaduto commented 1 week ago

Yeah also missed the detail that you where referring to the "R02_1.00.05_211220.bin" and not the latest "R02_3.00.06_240523.bin" which I used to reverse engineer. The firmware dump also includes that newer R02_3.00.06 FW:

So based on that completely different firmware with RTL there is a very high chance that there are indeed 2 Hardware versions of the R02 ring out there, (The other named rings like R03 etc. will most likely have the same hardware as R01 or R02)

Do you have a ring already and see the Chip inside?

The Amazon details for this smart ring are at: Fiorky R02 Smart Ring Fitness Tracker Ring 5.0 Tracker di ossigeno nel sangue compatibile con Bluetooth IP68 e modalità multi-sport imformeabili 5ATM for Android for IOS

Note that Is cheaper than the One with rf03 SoC

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

Ok looking forward to it.

Unfortunately RTL is a pain in the ass to work with! Its normally on my Blacklist 😅 but at some point it needs to be understood anyway

decaduto commented 1 week ago

Ok looking forward to it.

Unfortunately RTL is it pain in the as to work with! Its normally on my Blacklist 😅 but at some point it needs to be understood anyway

I have worked with some RTL SoC for the k56 pro smartwatch, I agree, the SDK I linked above seems also incomplete, I am planning to buy Also the rf03 and the One based on the DA SoC on Amazon

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

What a bummer, this will make things very complicated. Since there is no way to tell them apart its pure luck which one someone will get.

So even if a custom firmware is available for both/all types there is much more to be checked and to be explained to new users, luckily they made the magic number different form RF03 to RTL so the firmware will not get accepted by each others Ring

decaduto commented 1 week ago

What a bummer, this will make things very complicated. Since there is no way to tell them apart its pure luck which one someone will get.

So even if a custom firmware is available for both/all types there is much more to be checked and to be explained to new users, luckily they made the magic number different form RF03 to RTL so the firmware will not get accepted by each others Ring

This Is interesting too, can we move the conversation on another social like telegram or discord? I think It should be better for improving the communication.

atc1441 commented 1 week ago

Sure, feel free to join my Discord:

There is channel for the Ring already :)

decaduto commented 1 week ago

I cannot write on the discord group, any help?