atc1441 / ATC_TLSR_Paper

Custom BLE firmware for Hanshow E-Paper Shelf Labels / Price Tags
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Temperature format is incorect! must be int8_t and not uint8_t how it is in these sources #19

Open raduvas opened 1 year ago

raduvas commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for this fantastic SDK!

I make a paragliding variometer for me and I noticed a mistake for the temperature in the source code.

Basically the temperature must be int8_t everywhere instead of uint8_t to be able to get sub zero temperatures otherwise for -1'C you will get 255'C (for me I corrected it in "epd_bwr_154.c" and "epd.c")

IMPORTANT What do you use to read/write BLE on the phone? I cannot get the app name from your videos.

temperatore register in datasheet.pdf

Sterillium commented 1 year ago

Just an amateur here... Thank you so much for your post! I've been struggling with this exact issue. Even with your comment on a fix I haven't been able to get negative temperatures to display correctly. Your project sounds really cool! Would you consider sharing pics and/or the code?

raduvas commented 1 year ago

I modified for you the temperature from unsigned to signed and I attached the "src" directory here.

I did modification to these files: epd.c epd_bw_213.c epd_bw_213_ice.c epd_bwr_154.c epd_bwr_213.c epd_bwr_350.c epd_bwy_350.c

Make a backup of your work and after that replace the src directory of what you have with the one extracted from my attachment from here.

raduvas commented 1 year ago

To be clear: 1) Clone and download this github (ATC_TLSR_Paper) 2) Extract on your hdd 3) Download my attached src archive and extract and replace the src directory of ATC_TLSR_Paper with my src directory 4) Install Python to be able to compile the example 5) execute in firmware directory "makeit clean" 6) execute in firmware directory "makeit"

You will get "ATC_Paper.bin"

raduvas commented 1 year ago

I attached a picture of my work in progress:

Sterillium commented 1 year ago

Dude! You rock! I finally understand it. Thanks for sharing and the good explanation. That's gonna be a cool little variometer!

In your source files I did have to change uint to int (for EPD_BW**_read_temp and EPD_BW*****_Display) in all the epd_bw****.h files to get it to compile with makeit.exe. Now it works flawlessly for me. Thanks!

raduvas commented 1 year ago

Yes, I changed all uint to int in the sources and I did not test compile the sources before attaching them here. You are really good too if you solved those errors by yourself :)