atende / jira

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can't get it running #2

Closed BraunreutherA closed 9 years ago

BraunreutherA commented 9 years ago


I've tried now several times to get you're atlassian docker images up and running but it dosn't work. I always get bad gateway responses. I followed your tutorial and set up the sub domains to the server ip and had the crane script running which worked well. I checked the nginx and tomcat configurations which seam to be right.

Can you help me there?

giovannicandido commented 9 years ago

Hi, What is the output of docker logs nginx? When jira and others start, the nginx container will use the VIRTUAL_HOST variable to create the vhost, and will force the use of SSL if that is configured (my example have SSL). Do you have SSL?

BraunreutherA commented 9 years ago


the docker logs gave me this:

dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Generated '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf' from 1 containers dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Running 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Watching docker events dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Received event start for container 57fa7efbb327 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Contents of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf did not change. Skipping notification 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Received event die for container 57fa7efbb327 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:01 Contents of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf did not change. Skipping notification 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:02 Received event start for container fcf1ec8475a3 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:02 Contents of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf did not change. Skipping notification 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:02 Received event start for container ee9bf8b36f73 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:02 Generated '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf' from 3 containers dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:02 Running 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:03 Received event start for container 291d78fe6c9f dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:03 Generated '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf' from 4 containers dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:03 Running 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:03 Received event start for container 0233ca725daa dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:03 Generated '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf' from 5 containers dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:03 Running 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Received event start for container 053eba6bd3e5 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Generated '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf' from 6 containers dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Running 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Received event start for container edc9b44370f1 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Contents of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf did not change. Skipping notification 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Received event die for container edc9b44370f1 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:04 Contents of /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf did not change. Skipping notification 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:05 Received event start for container cffb6fbf3aa3 dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:05 Generated '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf' from 7 containers dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:05 Running 'nginx -s reload' dockergen.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:05 Error running notify command: nginx -s reload, exit status 1 nginx.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:12 [error] 37#0: 4 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "" nginx.1 | 2015/05/12 15:59:13 [error] 37#0: 4 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "", referrer: ""

Yes i configured ssl the way you described it. I created the certs and placed hem in /opt/certs. SSL seams to work correctly but then i get a bad gateway again.

Thanks, Alex

giovannicandido commented 9 years ago

By the logs, the problem is the connection between the containers. To make a diagnostic:

  1. Confirm that Jira is up and running on port 8080
  2. Confirm that this port is exposed to the host. The crane.yml file need publish: ["8080:8080"]
  3. See if the generated ip's from docker virtual network do not enter in conflict with the host


There are two ways to expose ports to containers:

The first is to link then, the link is like a private network. I do that for the postgresql container, the port on postgresql is accessible only for the containers and not for the outside world.

The second way is by exposing the port. All other application use this approach because the link between then is combinatory of N factorial, or we have to force the communication through the proxy

Here is a working crane.yml file it could help you. Is a little complex as I use several applications linked and with Single Single On, and with secondary ports to bypass a problem in atlassian application links with SSL

    image: busybox                                                                                                                                                               
      volume: ["/data"]                                                                                                                                                          
      cmd: ["echo","'pgsql data'"]                                                                                                                                               
      detach: true                                                                                                                                                               
    image: atende/postgresql:9.4                                                                                                                                                 
      volumes-from: ["pgsql_datastore"]                                                                                                                                          
      detach: true                                                                                                                                                               
    image: atende/postgresql:9.4                                                                                                                                                 
      env: ["USER=super","PASS=pass"]                                                                                                                                    
      detach: true                                                                                                                                                               
    image: atende/nginx-proxy                                                                                                                                                    
      volume: ["/opt/certs:/etc/nginx/certs","/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock"]                                                                                            
      publish: ["80:80","443:443"]
      detach: true
    image: busybox
      volume: ["/opt/jira-home"]
      cmd: ["echo","'jira data'"]
      detach: true
    image: busybox
      volume: ["/opt/confluence-home"]
      cmd: ["echo","'confluence data'"]
      detach: true
    image: busybox
      volume: ["/opt/stash-home"]
      cmd: ["echo","'stash data'"]
      detach: true
    image: busybox
      volume: ["/opt/crowd-home"]
      cmd: ["echo","'crowd data'"]
      detach: true
    image: busybox
      volume: ["/opt/bamboo-home"]
      cmd: ["echo","'bamboo data'"]
      detach: true
    image: atende/jira
      volumes-from: ["jira_home"]
      publish: ["8080:8080","8081:8081"]
      link: ["postgresql:db"]
      detach: true
    image: atende/confluence
      volumes-from: ["confluence_home"]
      publish: ["8090:8090","8091:8091"]
      link: ["postgresql:db"]
      detach: true
    image: atende/stash
      volumes-from: ["stash_home"]
      publish: ["7990:7990","7991:7991","7999:7999"]
      link: ["postgresql:db"]
      detach: true
    image: atende/crowd
      env: ["","PROXY_SCHEME=https","PROXY_PORT=443","PROXY_SECURED=true"]
      volumes-from: ["crowd_home"]
      publish: ["8095:8095"]
      link: ["postgresql:db"]
      detach: true
    image: atende/bamboo
      volumes-from: ["bamboo_home"]
      publish: ["8085:8085","8086:8086"]
      link: ["postgresql:db","postgresql_test:testdb"]
      detach: true
BraunreutherA commented 9 years ago

Wow, thank you a lot! I used your crane file, chnged the urls to mine and now it works :)

Thanks for the great support!

Ps.: You could change the sample crane file in the repo for this one. I tried it first with the other one and got the errors.

giovannicandido commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I will change the sample file, thanks for the tip