ERROR: cannot launch node of type [gpd_ros/detect_grasps]: Cannot locate node of type [detect_grasps] in package [gpd_ros]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
Before catkin_make I went to gpd_ros and chmod -R +x *
Still it gives me this error.
I have made path changes to ros_vino_params.cfg in home/gpd/cfg folder as suggested.
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [gpd_ros/detect_grasps]: Cannot locate node of type [detect_grasps] in package [gpd_ros]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)
Before catkin_make I went to gpd_ros and chmod -R +x * Still it gives me this error. I have made path changes to ros_vino_params.cfg in home/gpd/cfg folder as suggested.