ateodorescu / home-assistant-ipmi

IPMI connector for Home Assistant
MIT License
36 stars 8 forks source link

Add option -C 17 to ipmitool and in the config #22

Open marc4s opened 5 months ago

marc4s commented 5 months ago

newer server have cipher suite requirements

The current security settings require incoming IPMI over LAN connection to use cipher suite ID 17. If you are using the IPMItool utility (prior to version 1.8.19), you must specify the option “-C 17” to connect to this management controller.

thank you

ateodorescu commented 4 months ago

This is now supported in the latest version Install the latest version of the addon too.

marc4s commented 4 months ago

thanks a lot for implemting this. somehow it is still not connecting.

2024-03-18 10:56:44.375 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Error connecting to IPMI server CompletionCodeError cc=0xc0 desc=Node Busy
2024-03-18 10:56:44.413 ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Error connecting to IPMI server CompletionCodeError cc=0xc0 desc=Node Busy
2024-03-18 10:56:44.575 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Error connecting to IPMI server CompletionCodeError cc=0xc0 desc=Node Busy
2024-03-18 11:28:43.361 DEBUG (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.ipmi.server] http://localhost:9595
2024-03-18 11:28:43.361 DEBUG (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.ipmi.server] {'host': '', 'port': 623, 'user': 'USERID', 'password': 'xxxx', 'interface': 'lanplus', 'extra': '-C 17'}
2024-03-18 11:28:43.871 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Finished fetching IPMI coordinator data in 3.008 seconds (success: True)
2024-03-18 11:28:43.932 DEBUG (SyncWorker_13) [custom_components.ipmi.server] http://localhost:9595
2024-03-18 11:28:43.933 DEBUG (SyncWorker_13) [custom_components.ipmi.server] {'host': '', 'port': 623, 'user': 'ipmiadmin', 'password': 'xxxx'}
2024-03-18 11:28:44.820 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Finished fetching IPMI coordinator data in 0.888 seconds (success: True)
2024-03-18 11:28:45.741 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Finished fetching IPMI coordinator data in 21.791 seconds (success: True)
2024-03-18 11:28:52.370 DEBUG (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2024-03-18 11:28:52.370 DEBUG (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.ipmi.server] 'ipmi-server' addon is not available. Let's use RMCP.
2024-03-18 11:28:54.396 ERROR (SyncWorker_45) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Error connecting to IPMI server Max retry while sending and/or receiving ipmimessage for rmcp host
2024-03-18 11:28:57.912 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Migrating from version 1
2024-03-18 11:28:57.912 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Migration to version 1.3 successful
2024-03-18 11:28:57.913 DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.ipmi.server] http://localhost:9595
2024-03-18 11:28:57.913 DEBUG (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.ipmi.server] {'host': '', 'port': 623, 'user': 'ipmiadmin', 'password': 'xxxx'}
2024-03-18 11:28:58.107 ERROR (SyncWorker_8) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Wrong connection data provided!
2024-03-18 11:28:58.108 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Finished fetching IPMI coordinator data in 0.195 seconds (success: False)
2024-03-18 11:29:00.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Migrating from version 1
2024-03-18 11:29:00.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ipmi] Migration to version 1.3 successful
2024-03-18 11:29:00.411 DEBUG (SyncWorker_56) [custom_components.ipmi.server] http://localhost:9595

some old servers which was working before are not working anymore... is it an issue with the new interface selector or anything else? if you have an idea...

log from addon:

PHP message: Error occurred when running "ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P #### -I open bmc info".
Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /?host= HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "localhost:9595"
2024/03/18 11:53:20 [error] 205#205: *439 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: [critical] Uncaught PHP Exception InvalidArgumentException: "Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded" at /app/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/JsonResponse.php line 142" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /?host= HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "localhost:9595"

by the way, in the addon-log the password in the line with request: GET..... is not masked, same in the debug-log of HA. but this is not important

ateodorescu commented 4 months ago

Please print out here the output of the following commands: ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P #### -I lanplus -C 17 bmc info and ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P #### -I lanplus -C 17 sdr list full Do you use lanplus interface to connect to your server or something else? Which commands work to connect to your server? Let's see the output, please. I'm intrigued by that error Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded

marc4s commented 4 months ago

Thanks for investigating. for the older ones "open" is working, for the newer lanplus. is it possible to add an REconfigure dialog? currently it is not possible to change settings (but I also can change the interface in the HA /config/.storage/core.config_entries "addon_interface": "auto" ...)

[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I lanplus -C 17 sdr list full
Ambient Temp     | 29 degrees C      | ok
CPU 1 Temp       | 35 degrees C      | ok
CPU 2 Temp       | 33 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 1 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 2 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 3 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 4 Temp      | 30 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 5 Temp      | 30 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 6 Temp      | 30 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 7 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 8 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 9 Temp      | 29 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 10 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 11 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 12 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 13 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 14 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 15 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 16 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 17 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 18 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 19 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 20 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 21 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 22 Temp     | 28 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 23 Temp     | 27 degrees C      | ok
DIMM 24 Temp     | 27 degrees C      | ok
CMOS Battery     | 3.24 Volts        | ok
SysBrd 12V       | 12.15 Volts       | ok
SysBrd 5V        | 4.96 Volts        | ok
SysBrd 3.3V      | 3.29 Volts        | ok
SysBrd Vol Fault | 0x00              | ok
Fan 1 Front Tach | 9020 RPM          | ok
Fan 2 Front Tach | 9102 RPM          | ok
Fan 3 Front Tach | 9102 RPM          | ok
Fan 4 Front Tach | 9020 RPM          | ok
Fan 5 Front Tach | 9020 RPM          | ok
Fan 6 Front Tach | 8938 RPM          | ok
Fan 1 Rear Tach  | 8400 RPM          | ok
Fan 2 Rear Tach  | 8400 RPM          | ok
Fan 3 Rear Tach  | 8400 RPM          | ok
Fan 4 Rear Tach  | 8400 RPM          | ok
Fan 5 Rear Tach  | 8550 RPM          | ok
Fan 6 Rear Tach  | 8475 RPM          | ok
Sys Power        | 198 Watts         | ok
CPU Power        | 60 Watts          | ok
Mem Power        | 14 Watts          | ok
CPU Utilization  | 1 percent         | ok
Mem Utilization  | 0 percent         | ok
PSU 1 AC In Pwr  | 96 Watts          | ok
PSU 1 DC Out Pwr | 84 Watts          | ok
PSU 2 AC In Pwr  | 96 Watts          | ok
PSU 2 DC Out Pwr | 77 Watts          | ok
[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I lanplus -C 17 bmc info 
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 0
Firmware Revision         : 2.16
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 19046
Manufacturer Name         : Unknown (0x4A66)
Product ID                : 1588 (0x0634)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x634)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    IPMB Event Generator
    Chassis Device

[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U USERID -P xxxxx -I open -C 17 bmc info 
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 1
Firmware Revision         : 1.53
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 10876
Manufacturer Name         : Supermicro
Product ID                : 2327 (0x0917)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x917)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    IPMB Event Generator
    Chassis Device
[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U USERID -P xxxxx -I open -C 17 sdr list full
CPU1 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
CPU2 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 35 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 23 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 34 degrees C      | ok
MB_10G Temp      | no reading        | ns
VRMCpu1 Temp     | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMCpu2 Temp     | 35 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1ABC Temp    | 27 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1DEF Temp    | 31 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2ABC Temp    | 31 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2DEF Temp    | 29 degrees C      | ok
FAN1             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN3             | no reading        | ns
FAN4             | no reading        | ns
FAN5             | no reading        | ns
FAN6             | no reading        | ns
FANA             | 3500 RPM          | ok
FANB             | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMME1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMF1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMB1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMC1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
12V              | 11.94 Volts       | ok
5VCC             | 5.12 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.42 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 0x04              | ok
Vcpu1            | 1.86 Volts        | ok
Vcpu2            | 1.87 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1DEF       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2DEF       | 1.23 Volts        | ok
5VSB             | 5.25 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.42 Volts        | ok
1.8V PCH         | 1.85 Volts        | ok
PVNN PCH         | 1.05 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.09 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x00              | ok
AOC_SAS Temp     | 55 degrees C      | ok
HDD Temp         | 27 degrees C      | ok
HDD Status       | 0x01              | ok

[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I open sdr list full
CPU1 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
CPU2 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 36 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 23 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 34 degrees C      | ok
MB_10G Temp      | no reading        | ns
VRMCpu1 Temp     | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMCpu2 Temp     | 35 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1ABC Temp    | 27 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1DEF Temp    | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2ABC Temp    | 31 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2DEF Temp    | 29 degrees C      | ok
FAN1             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN3             | no reading        | ns
FAN4             | no reading        | ns
FAN5             | no reading        | ns
FAN6             | no reading        | ns
FANA             | 3500 RPM          | ok
FANB             | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMME1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMF1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMB1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMC1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
12V              | 11.94 Volts       | ok
5VCC             | 5.12 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.42 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 0x04              | ok
Vcpu1            | 1.86 Volts        | ok
Vcpu2            | 1.87 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1DEF       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2DEF       | 1.22 Volts        | ok
5VSB             | 5.25 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.40 Volts        | ok
1.8V PCH         | 1.85 Volts        | ok
PVNN PCH         | 1.05 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.09 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x00              | ok
AOC_SAS Temp     | 55 degrees C      | ok
HDD Temp         | 27 degrees C      | ok
HDD Status       | 0x01              | ok
[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I open sdr list full
CPU1 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
CPU2 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 36 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 23 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 34 degrees C      | ok
MB_10G Temp      | no reading        | ns
VRMCpu1 Temp     | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMCpu2 Temp     | 35 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1ABC Temp    | 27 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1DEF Temp    | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2ABC Temp    | 31 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2DEF Temp    | 29 degrees C      | ok
FAN1             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN3             | no reading        | ns
FAN4             | no reading        | ns
FAN5             | no reading        | ns
FAN6             | no reading        | ns
FANA             | 3500 RPM          | ok
FANB             | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMME1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMF1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMB1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMC1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
12V              | 11.94 Volts       | ok
5VCC             | 5.12 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.42 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 0x04              | ok
Vcpu1            | 1.86 Volts        | ok
Vcpu2            | 1.87 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1DEF       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2DEF       | 1.23 Volts        | ok
5VSB             | 5.25 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.40 Volts        | ok
1.8V PCH         | 1.85 Volts        | ok
PVNN PCH         | 1.05 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.09 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x00              | ok
AOC_SAS Temp     | 55 degrees C      | ok
HDD Temp         | 27 degrees C      | ok
HDD Status       | 0x01              | ok
[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I open sdr list full
CPU1 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
CPU2 Temp        | 29 degrees C      | ok
PCH Temp         | 35 degrees C      | ok
System Temp      | 23 degrees C      | ok
Peripheral Temp  | 34 degrees C      | ok
MB_10G Temp      | no reading        | ns
VRMCpu1 Temp     | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMCpu2 Temp     | 36 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1ABC Temp    | 27 degrees C      | ok
VRMP1DEF Temp    | 32 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2ABC Temp    | 31 degrees C      | ok
VRMP2DEF Temp    | 29 degrees C      | ok
FAN1             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN2             | 3400 RPM          | ok
FAN3             | no reading        | ns
FAN4             | no reading        | ns
FAN5             | no reading        | ns
FAN6             | no reading        | ns
FANA             | 3500 RPM          | ok
FANB             | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMA1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMMB1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMC1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P1-DIMME1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P1-DIMMF1 Temp   | 28 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMA2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMMB1 Temp   | 30 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMC1 Temp   | 29 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD1 Temp   | 26 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMD2 Temp   | no reading        | ns
P2-DIMME1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
P2-DIMMF1 Temp   | 25 degrees C      | ok
12V              | 11.94 Volts       | ok
5VCC             | 5.12 Volts        | ok
3.3VCC           | 3.42 Volts        | ok
VBAT             | 0x04              | ok
Vcpu1            | 1.86 Volts        | ok
Vcpu2            | 1.87 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP1DEF       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2ABC       | 1.24 Volts        | ok
VDimmP2DEF       | 1.23 Volts        | ok
5VSB             | 5.25 Volts        | ok
3.3VSB           | 3.40 Volts        | ok
1.8V PCH         | 1.84 Volts        | ok
PVNN PCH         | 1.05 Volts        | ok
1.05V PCH        | 1.09 Volts        | ok
Chassis Intru    | 0x00              | ok
AOC_SAS Temp     | 55 degrees C      | ok
HDD Temp         | 27 degrees C      | ok
HDD Status       | 0x01              | ok

[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I open bmc info
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 1
Firmware Revision         : 1.53
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 10876
Manufacturer Name         : Supermicro
Product ID                : 2327 (0x0917)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x917)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    IPMB Event Generator
    Chassis Device
[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I open bmc info
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 1
Firmware Revision         : 1.53
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 10876
Manufacturer Name         : Supermicro
Product ID                : 2327 (0x0917)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x917)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    IPMB Event Generator
    Chassis Device
[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I open bmc info
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 1
Firmware Revision         : 1.53
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 10876
Manufacturer Name         : Supermicro
Product ID                : 2327 (0x0917)
Product Name              : Unknown (0x917)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
    IPMB Event Receiver
    IPMB Event Generator
    Chassis Device

[user@serverx ~]# ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P xxxxx -I lanplus sdr list full
Error in open session response message : insufficient resources for session

Error: Unable to establish IPMI v2 / RMCP+ session
marc4s commented 4 months ago

and for the information was maybe missing:, and was setup some weeks ago and was working fine, but stopped working somehow without changing anything, also no new version of ipmitool/addon.

and the malformed UTF-8 character warning belongs to with the -C 17 - here the setup is failing

ateodorescu commented 4 months ago

I hope you have a backup with the working environment. What happens if you remove all 3 servers configurations and add them again with the latest ipmi integration and latest addon? Does that work or not?

marc4s commented 4 months ago

deleted and readding - the same issue. failed to connect

2024/03/19 09:24:14 [error] 205#205: *2275 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Error occurred when running "ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P #### -I open bmc info".
Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /?host= HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "localhost:9595"

2024-03-19 09:25:56.596 DEBUG (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.ipmi.server] http://localhost:9595
2024-03-19 09:25:56.596 DEBUG (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.ipmi.server] {'host': '', 'port': 623, 'user': 'ipmiadmin', 'password': 'xxxx', 'interface': 'open'}
2024-03-19 09:25:56.660 ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Wrong connection data provided!

as there was no changes on HA side and no changes on serverside there is no backup. ;-) 8 other servers are still working fine with the ipmi-addon

ateodorescu commented 4 months ago

deleted and readding - the same issue. failed to connect

2024/03/19 09:24:14 [error] 205#205: *2275 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: Error occurred when running "ipmitool -H -p 623 -U ipmiadmin -P #### -I open bmc info".
Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: _, request: "GET /?host= HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://", host: "localhost:9595"

2024-03-19 09:25:56.596 DEBUG (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.ipmi.server] http://localhost:9595
2024-03-19 09:25:56.596 DEBUG (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.ipmi.server] {'host': '', 'port': 623, 'user': 'ipmiadmin', 'password': 'xxxx', 'interface': 'open'}
2024-03-19 09:25:56.660 ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.ipmi.server] Wrong connection data provided!

as there was no changes on HA side and no changes on serverside there is no backup. ;-) 8 other servers are still working fine with the ipmi-addon

Would you be so kind to open up the port for me to test it out? Send me an email with user/pass/ip/port if you can let me debug this. Thanks!

marc4s commented 4 months ago

I would do - but I cannot as I cant administrate the systems required for this. can we use telephone+teamviewer?

marc4s commented 3 months ago

possible solution for this Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory"

root@304fecf0-ipmi-server:/$ lsmod | grep ipmi root@304fecf0-ipmi-server:/$ modprobe ipmi_si modprobe: can't change directory to '/lib/modules': No such file or directory root@304fecf0-ipmi-server:/$ modprobe ipmi_devintf modprobe: can't change directory to '/lib/modules': No such file or directory

but I do not have docker experience how to add modules there or integrate them in the "kernel"