ateodorescu / home-assistant-ipmi

IPMI connector for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Plugin fails to connect to IPMI, but ipmitool on bare metal does #38

Open anthonyma94 opened 3 months ago

anthonyma94 commented 3 months ago

I'm trying to connect to my server with ASRock Rack IPMI, and the plugin gives this error:

Error connecting to IPMI server CompletionCodeError cc=0xcc desc=Invalid data field in Request
Error connecting to IPMI server timed out

Running ipmitool on bare metal (on the same machine as HA) works:

anthony@webserver:~$ ipmitool -H -U xxx -P xxx -I lanplus power status
Chassis Power is off

These are the values I use within the HA plugin configuration:

Alias: server
Port: 623
Username: xxx
Password: xxx
ipmi-server host (when ipmi-server is used): http://localhost
Addon port (when ipmi-server addon is used): 9595
Addon interface type for ipmitool: lanplus

I'm on HA 2024.2.1, the plugin is at v1.6.0.

yatahaze commented 2 months ago

Similar issue here, mine reports invalid username, but the same username works via console command.

I'm not using home-assistant-addons because I'm not using HAOS (not sure if there's a way around that)