ateodorescu / home-assistant-ipmi

IPMI connector for Home Assistant
MIT License
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Feature request: add integration to HACS #4

Closed 35gh closed 9 months ago

35gh commented 1 year ago

It will be good if this integration can be added to HACS (Home Assistant Community Store):

This will simplify installation and updates, thank you!

jpmiller25 commented 1 year ago

Second this! You'll also increase your reach greatly, I initially searched HACS for ipmi and found nothing before I found your script here. Thanks!

ateodorescu commented 1 year ago

Does HACS support addons? I don't see anything related to addons on that page.

jpmiller25 commented 1 year ago

HACS is a installation/update tool for custom components like this, it does not support addons which run in containers under a supervised home assistant OS installation.

I run home assistant docker, so I do not have access to addons. If I want to use applications that run in other containers I have to add and maintain them seperately. But I do run a number of components from the HACS.

ateodorescu commented 1 year ago

I'll have a look at HACS to add this integration there. On the other hand I wanted to include the other integration that I have done too but that one requires an addon to do the job:

What do you think would be the proper way to do for the ipmitool integration? Should I add it to HACS too and just let the users know that it needs an addon to run or just leave it out?

35gh commented 1 year ago

I would suggest to merge both integrations (ipmi and ipmitools) in one and make it available in HACS.

Users can be instructed on how to install the add-on in the integration description in HACS and during the installation flow, as HACS cannot install add-ons directly.

The integration can then detect if the ipmitool add-on is installed, and offer the possibility to the user to select it in the configuration screen or fall back to rmcp if not.

ateodorescu commented 1 year ago

So, there's only one integration now that knows how to use the addon if available, otherwise it falls back to the python library. I'm waiting for the brands PR to be merged ( and then the actions for HACS to run successfuly ( I guess that's all I have to do so that the integration goes into HACS.

ateodorescu commented 1 year ago

Waiting for PR to be merged in HACS:

35gh commented 1 year ago

Thanks! In the meantime I've manually installed the integration using custom depot in HACS and it works fine.

ateodorescu commented 1 year ago

@35gh how does the PR merge work? I saw that you reviewed the PR. Who can do that? Are you part of the HACS team or simply anyone interested could review a PR?

joggs commented 1 year ago

I think we have to wait. When I published mine, there were frustrating weeks while waiting for the 3 required approvers to make time reviewing it and approving it. There seems to be alot of PR's waiting

ateodorescu commented 9 months ago

Finally the PR was merged and the integration is available in HACS.