Open VladimirAlexiev opened 1 month ago
No, --useCommaByDefault
is the correct syntax. You are correct in that the turtle-formatter has not been updated yet. However, with a source build from the latest state of the main
branch, I can not reproduce the issue, the commas are formatted as expected:
# clone the repository, then run:
cd cli/build/libs
java -jar owl-cli-snapshot.jar write ~/test.ttl --useCommaByDefault
which produces
# [...prefixes here]
sm:Ontology a owl:Ontology ;
dcterms:conformsTo "file://CIM100_CGMES31v01_501-20v02_NC23v62_MM10v01.eap", "file://iec61970cim17v40_iec61968cim13v13a_iec62325cim03v17a.eap", "urn:iso:std:iec:61970-301:ed-7:amd1", "urn:iso:std:iec:61970-401:draft:ed-1", "urn:iso:std:iec:61970-501:draft:ed-2", "urn:iso:std:iec:61970-600-2:ed-1" .
I run with
.With owl-cli-1.2.5.jar it respected it:
With a source build (made as per it doesn't respect it: has this (not changed since 6 months ago):
so I assume it doesn't use the new release turtle-formatter 1.2.12.
It prints this version info:
So I can't figure out what caused this change in behavior.
Do I need to specify