atg / chocolat-public

Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
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preview broken #1688

Open Vtin opened 9 years ago

Vtin commented 9 years ago

Something really strange is happening with chocolat live preview. Sometimes it doesn't show anything at all; I solve that restarting the app, and then it behaves correctly. However, when I look to different files (index.html and then index.css, for example) the preview changes before I touch any line of code, displaying absolutely incorrectly, and in most cases forcing the restart to display properly again. The code is a very simple html-based web with its css stylesheet; I've checked that everything is ok coded, opened it with other two different editors (no preview issue) and previewed it in three different browsers (safari, firefox and chrome) with no trouble. Only Chocolat presents this strange behaviour. I'm using OS X Yosemite in a Mac mini (mid. 2011). Any ideas? Many thanks! Val

Vtin commented 9 years ago

Installed last update, issue is still there. Regards; Val

Vtin commented 9 years ago

Made some tests.First, loaded an html project and launched web preview, with no result. Clicked the bottom-right button to view the preview in a different window. The splitted preview didn't dissapear and none of them show anything: 150103-0001 Afterwards, I double clicked in the html file, in order to have it alone in a new window. Launched preview, with similar results, but this time the splitted window closes when launching the popup window and vice-versa: 150103-0002 I closed Chocolat and opened a different document. No preview shown, until I closed and reopened the preview several times, and then showed correctly. Next time, I opened the first file (the one in the first image included here) with chocolat's 'Open' menu, instead of using 'Open recent'. Preview works: 150103-0003 But, when I click the button to see the preview in a new window, what is shown is the preview of the other html document: 150103-0004


Vtin commented 9 years ago

... and when chocolat previews the document correctly, that preview doesn't get updated, no matter the changes I do in the html or css files. Regards; Val

atg commented 9 years ago

My suspicion is that Chocolat thinks that the preview is not visible, when it actually is.

That's consistent with the split and the window being visible at the same time (which shouldn't happen).

Chocolat won't update the preview if the window is closed or the pane is hidden for obvious reasons.

Vtin commented 9 years ago

Well, that's an explanation... any ideas on how can I make chocolat preview my documents again? Many thanks; Val

atg commented 9 years ago

I can sort of replicate the bug but not to the degree you can. I'm not sure, I'll investigate it some more

Vtin commented 8 years ago

Hi! Any update on this? I'm still unable to use Chocolat. Thanks!

atg commented 8 years ago

I guess we need some sort of selector in there, to select which document should be previewed