atg / chocolat-public

Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
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[Solved] "Upgrade Chocolat" window prevents program from being used #1734

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I launch Chocolat. Before I can do anything, a window appears, saying "Chocolat 3 Only $15 ! Buy upgrade". If I close the window, Chocolat quits entirely. I cannot activate the window that contains the file that I want to edit. I cannot open preferences to turn off checking for updates.

Basically, Chocolat is now completely unusable unless I buy the upgrade.

ghost commented 8 years ago


Seriously; version 2 is completely unusable unless you upgrade. If I relied on this text editor for daily tasks, I'd be stuck.

miltar commented 8 years ago

Do not write this... your message will be deleted... To my have deleted me 3 messages... version 1 2 and 3 are obsolete...

atg commented 8 years ago


miltar commented 8 years ago

That same... they removed me messages but according to the developers of chocolat "they weren't issues"... in the end... they should deal better customers... is my opinion

Flow32 commented 8 years ago

Same issue here. I have version 2 and I am perfectly happy with it. It does not work anymore thanks to that upgrade screen. There is no way I have to pay to use a program I already bought. What can I do ?

atg commented 8 years ago

if you're seeing the upgrade screen then you're on v3. You can download v2 here

Flow32 commented 8 years ago

Sadly I have version 2.

Here is the screen I see capture d ecran 2015-08-21 a 07 46 05

If I quit this screen, the software closes. Also, it always stays in front of all the other windows, so the program is unusable. Latest version 2 (the one you posted) doesn't seem to do that. So I'll keep it and see from there. Thank you !

ghost commented 8 years ago

The link provided above solves the problem and I can launch Chocolat again. Thank you very much.