atg / chocolat-public

Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
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Chocolat is pretty problematic in El Capitan #1756

Open devtimi opened 8 years ago

devtimi commented 8 years ago

3.1.7 is pretty unstable in El Capitan.

Sidebar glitches relating to multiple open files. Closing those files glitches. Crash when closing files Crash when quitting.

Are you going to make any updates?

locks commented 8 years ago

Chocolat occasionally crashes for me, but I can't consistently reproduce your use cases @devtimi. Have you sent @fileability some crash logs?

atg commented 8 years ago

It is fine here. Something else must be going on. Try reinstalling chocolat. If that doesn't work, you may have to clear your settings.

devtimi commented 8 years ago

Note the extra large space between the last file and the second section. As soon as the sidebar does that, your session is fubar'd. screen shot 2016-01-19 at 19 47 59 This happens at random when opening files. I see no pattern between whether I open the files with the sidebar or Finder. But once you see this extra space the sidebar glitches come into play. Closing the last file will crash. Quitting will crash. Saving will intermittently crash.

There's also glitches when duplicating files, or renaming files. The filename is selected for a second, then unselected when duplicating. When renaming there's a visual glitch, and the filename isn't selected at all.

screen shot 2016-01-19 at 19 52 25

From the crash logs: (4x of this one) Application Specific Information: objc_msgSend() selector name: undoManager

Application Specific Information: objc_msgSend() selector name: fileURL Performing @selector(performClose:) from sender _NSThemeCloseWidget 0x7fcc3340d1a0

Application Specific Information: *\ Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[_NSViewAuxiliary undoManager]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7f833d484700' terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException abort() called

locks commented 8 years ago

@devtimi that's by design, the active list doesn't grow linearly with the files added. This was done to avoid the file list jumping around too much. If you open 6 files you'll notice two extra spaces instead, for example.

There is an open bug for the renaming thing already, if I recall correctly.

devtimi commented 8 years ago

I'm tellin' ya, I've been using Chocolat for some time and I didn't start seeing crashes until El Capitan. (I did jump from Mavericks to El Cap)

The only pattern I noticed for the crashes was that space, other than that I couldn't tell you why it's crashing when I try to quit...

devtimi commented 8 years ago

Got another crash log for you. All I did was close a file from the sidebar.


devtimi commented 8 years ago

And again. I'm not even trying to kill it, I'm just attempting to do regular work.


locks commented 8 years ago

@devtimi have the new versions given you problems?

devtimi commented 8 years ago

I had to switch editors for how problematic Chocolat was behaving, I have not kept up with the updates. I'll give the latest a try sometime and report back.

atg commented 8 years ago

Damn those crash reports disappeared already.

Edit: Oh wait it's under the old username.