atg / chocolat-public

Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
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Non-ASCII characters showing up in other editors #1778

Open chikega opened 8 years ago

chikega commented 8 years ago

I noticed after saving an HTML file in chocolat that Non-ASCII characters are showing up in some other editors (not all). In BBedit, inverted red question marks seem to be replacing carriage returns. In TextMate "⟨CR⟩" is actually showing up. These Non-ASCII characters don't show up in Sublime Text, but when I re-save the file in Sublime Text and open the file up in BBedit or Textmate, everything appears normal. Other than that, I'm really jazzed about chocolat.

atg commented 8 years ago

Is it just carriage returns? It could be that Chocolat is detecting your file as CR (Mac OS classic line endings) and converting all the line endings to that. I think I'd have to see the raw data before opening and after saving to tell.

It could also be a file encoding issue.

chikega commented 8 years ago

Yes, it's just carriage returns. This is the response I received on the Google Group "BBedit Talk" and it corrected the problem:

"Since such a file almost certainly contains mixed line endings, please choose Text -> Normalize Line Endings, then save the file, and it should display correctly everywhere.


Patrick Woolsey

Bare Bones Software, Inc."