atg / chocolat-public

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Code editing turning comments/code into mess, up to becoming fully unusable #1780

Open carhartl opened 8 years ago

carhartl commented 8 years ago

Since a couple of month when editing code I'm experiencing a rather strange behavior, up to the point where it's becoming unusable and I have to use a different editor:

While editing, frequently Chocolat is turning certain characters into different ones, from then on I can't use backspace (is #1667 related?), lines are shifted to the first column, syntax highlighting sometimes goes crazy. I tried to capture that in a screenshot. Often this happens when writing comments, typing something like # TODO:. I think it often happens with comments but it's not the only occurence.

I'm only using Chocolate for writing Ruby and Python code at the moment, i.e. that's where I'm experiencing it.

I am using latest Chocolate 3.2.4, no mixins/extras installed, on OS X El Capitan 10.11.4. I tried deactivating Live Error, Indexing, Autocompletion, to no avail.

Screenshot: A regular comment # TODO: turns into this and hell is loose:


atg commented 8 years ago

Does switching to a different font fix it?

carhartl commented 8 years ago

Interesting, never thought of that, I've indeed changed to use the Hack font a while ago. Will test and let you know.

carhartl commented 8 years ago

It seems as if, first of all, restarting chocolat gave a bit of a rest. I tried to encounter the problem again after a restart, but wasn't seeing it any longer for quite some time. I've now also changed settings back to using Menlo, and keep an eye on it...

carhartl commented 8 years ago

After quite some time not being affected I just encountered the problem, now with the font switched to Menlo. It seems that this mostly happens when editing while within a code comment - this time it's an HTML comment. Backspace does no longer work here again, like I'm hitting a block.