atg / chocolat-public

Public bug tracker for the private chocolat project
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Ruby on Rails bundle CTRL+SHIFT+> not working properly #778

Open yourfavorite opened 12 years ago

yourfavorite commented 12 years ago

Normally when you press CTRL+SHIFT+> in Textmate multiple times, it changes between <%= %>, <% %>, <%- -%>, and <%# %>. However in Chocolat it just keeps adding <%= %> multiple times.

dcalhoun commented 12 years ago


steverandy commented 12 years ago


atg commented 12 years ago

I can't actually find the command that does this

dcalhoun commented 12 years ago

Yeah, I don't see the a command in the Action menu structure to insert Rails evaluation blocks.

yourfavorite commented 12 years ago

I just reinstalled Chocolat and I don't see the command either. It must have been in the TextMate Rails bundle. I would definitely like to see this command implemented then.

So I guess transfer this from Bug to Feature Request? To see what I'm speaking of just try CTRL+SHIFT+> in TextMate in a Rails file.