atharvapatil22 / PokerAI

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update Deck #17

Closed jetjoshi closed 2 months ago

jetjoshi commented 2 months ago

update Deck to allow input of an array of strings (deck sequence), and make that the deck.

TiptonG commented 2 months ago

Constructor now takes two additional optional arguments. If specified, the deckSequence will be parsed into the deck instead of the standard 52 cards, and no shuffling will be applied. The "deck.shuffle()" was removed from, as it is now redundant if shuffle=true, and unwanted if shuffle=false.

The constructor assumes that the deckSequence passed in will be an array of strings with the following format: "[<#|T|J|Q|K|A> <Sp|Cl|Di|He>]"

Fixed by #21