atheme / atheme-contrib-modules

Community-supported modules for Atheme
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Assertion error in ns_mxcheck and ns_mxcheck_async #20

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

ns_mxcheck and ns_mxcheck_async fails to load with an assertion error:

<@OperServ> nyuszika7h MODLOAD: contrib/ns_mxcheck_async
<@OperServ> (loader_posix.c:43) [mowgli_module_open]: critical: Assertion 'handle != NULL' failed.
<@OperServ> module_load(): error while loading /opt/zetronirc/atheme706/modules/contrib/ns_mxcheck_async:
<@OperServ> nyuszika7h MODLOAD: contrib/ns_mxcheck
<@OperServ> (loader_posix.c:43) [mowgli_module_open]: critical: Assertion 'handle != NULL' failed.
<@OperServ> module_load(): error while loading /opt/zetronirc/atheme706/modules/contrib/ns_mxcheck:
dwfreed commented 10 years ago

Those line numbers indicate that dlopen() returned NULL. Add the following line in libmowgli-2/src/libmowgli/module/loader_posix.c, just above the first return_val_if_fail in the file:

mowgli_log("%s", dlerror());

Then recompile Atheme, and try to load the module again.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I'll do that tomorrow.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I haven't had the time to set up a testnet yet. I'll try to do it sometime this week.