atherdon / artics

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move our chat to here #11

Open atherdon opened 6 years ago

atherdon commented 6 years ago

atherdon commented 6 years ago

I didn't understand #2 on your list What will you bill the people for? right now is just admin page with recurring payments Recurring payments for what? What will the people pay you to do? but later users will be able to use this admin in order to receive payments for meal planning service check this is a meal planning service. but it is very custom and have a lot of restrictions Okay, so your whole idea is based around meal planning i hope nope 🙂 i pretty sure it'l evolve later Ah So where do I fit in? i have a big issues with marketing i mean i can code You want me to write the marketing material? and i can create articles and generate first sales and i need help in order to speed up some tasks you tell me how you can help Speed up some tasks like? user must to understand better how my projects can help them But for that, I'll need the exact details on the insides and workings of your project. Like how each item and component will work And how it'll help them Only then can I write effective marketing material let me share to you job description - maybe it'll help

for sure - i'll create some sort of explanation and share it with you Sure sure so articles will be our main focus or maybe you have some other ideas ? I didn't mean what I have to do. Can i call you real quick? ok let's try but i'm not a very caller person hold on i'll enable my mic Wait a second. Yeah. ok i'm ready Let's say, I'm a consumer. Who looks for a meal planning service. And I come across an advertisement for your service. And i look into meal planning services, mom that want to speed up cooking I'd rather go for a service that has some positive feedback, and happy users who are satisfied and recommend your device Service. That was why I talked about working with some locals and people abroad to generate positive feedback from right now we cannot provide mealplanning service - cause we didn't have a content Marketing content? Or content that goes on the website? i think locals not will be a good use case - cause moms from us have different wishes rather than us moms by content i mean recipes Ah Okay it's like i cannot create recipes myself So first you need to work with the nutritionists and the type to get recipes right? nutritionists is just another place where i can sell my code i think i can give a value to: chefs moms fitness trainers nutritionists but this is a different kind of ways Okay So, I have a test now Anyway What I said was Your ideas are still in beta stage tight? Right? yep and i'm exploring the way how to drive first attention if i'll understand what part of project can be used and generate first income - i'll focus on it and will finish something Do you have any idea as to which one of your ideas you can sell? i think any one can be sell let's use moms like example they want to sell their recipes to other people how i can help them they can create a website and use recipe api in order to store data and they can use option#2 in order to setup payments gateway if they will create a website from scratch - they must know a lot of about tech and this is where we can help

other example: and - have a websites See People won't buy your product based on its merit but they cannot have an app - so we can find another meal planning They'll need testimonials agree They'll need to know that this is a feasible place to put your money into ok And for that, they'll need to see other people enjoying or utilising your products what your plan about generating first testimonials That's why I said that you need to get some positive feedback and a small user base to try and sell to a worldwide audience i agree with this how you think i can get a first positive feedback(non including going local) Yeah So you try to get a small user base And I'll try my best to generate what sales I can around me but before generate sales i think we need to create some sort of plan what we'll sell and to whom right? and we need to find one way where we'll sell i mean i think moms is not the best way to start i think that talking with small meal planning providers can be a good first step we must to have a place, where we'll be able to save our ideas and discuss different questions Yes ok, let find a one small simple task that can be our first step. not about big goals or research. something simple point from where we'll start i think i must give you more data related to my projects Yes, please. and i think creating an articles, like "intro to Groceristar" can be a good point so what do you think if i'll prepare a data that i want to share about GS to you and you'll create a text not sure what will be the best - to publish it from my medium account or use your - you tell me i also was a team lead at my sales department - so it can be a win-win for both sides. i mean i can teach you something and you can help my projects and let focus on groceristar only first Sure so i must to share with you data about gorceristar and we'll together create an intro article, right? check this too FEB 5TH, 7:01AM Okay Is that all the data you can send me? FEB 8TH, 5:33PM Hello? Arthur? FEB 16TH, 11:50AM hi, sorry i was offline 10 days will reply to you soon FEB 16TH, 3:24PM Sure sure FEB 18TH, 9:16AM ok, hope things going well on your side i still not prepared a data for you but if you want to start fast - we can try to do something in short amount of time just for checking how we can work together FEB 18TH, 8:20PM if you in - here is task for you: How do I get screenshots? open a website and create it i can do this for you But wait but we must track all things at github task ok Where do we get Groceriestar screenshots ok, i'll create screenshot by myself- do you have any questions about other list items your question was aboutwebsite link? See I would need: 1) Screenshots of Groceriestar 2) Link to the complete website can you register on github and put this questions here? facebook is not awesome thing for tracking work progress And what are 'claps' that you mentioned? Okay okay. Sure. i aslo have preparedsome content but before i'll share it with you - want to see what you can do be yourself i think at this simple task we'll be able to understand how to work together really excited to see what results will be Things I will need:

Screenshots of Groceriestar Link to complete working groceristar website Written content about the working of Groceriestar and the road map. I feel that these things will help me put out a better researched article that does justice to your idea. Give me these 3 things And I'll put out a good article within the near future replied at github will notify you here - when will have that 3 things for you Okay So now that I don't have those things, what I can write is a basic article that provides insight into groceristar. Is that okay? We can revise it later when the data comes. Is that okay? yep Lovely. Gimme some time, I am sick right now, so I'll try to give you the article ASAP. Okay? for sure - full freedom here Haha thanks take as much time as you need I just got back from the hospital a while back. i mean - my main idea was to initiate our first steps together Sure sure. and i move a ball to your field - so i can remove that from my checklist and prepare things for you 🙂 Yeah, I understand What's the time in Ukraine? 9pm Ah i assume but i just awake few hours ago It's 12:30 here, in New Delhi. eat meal and watch thor 3 12:30 AM, at night. ok, sorry for interrupting - you need rest. will talk to you later No no, you're not interrupting at all oh, good