athityakumar / colorls

A Ruby gem that beautifies the terminal's ls command, with color and font-awesome icons. :tada:
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Ignoring clocale-0.0.4 error but everything works anyway #533

Open helphop opened 2 years ago

helphop commented 2 years ago

I've read all of the comments and feed with regards to installing colorls on Mac M1 computers.

I'm using Homebrew and rbenv to manage my installations and ruby.

So far everything works as prescribed for colorls.

However, everytime I open my iTerm i get the following message:

Ignoring clocale-0.0.4 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine clocale --version 0.0.4
Ignoring clocale-0.0.4 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine clocale --version 0.0.4

I've attempted to follow the instructions: gem pristine clocale --version 0.0.4

With the following result:

Restoring gems to pristine condition...
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Restored clocale-0.0.4

However I still get the warning.

I've checked inside:


And I see the colorls gem installed but I don't see the clocale gem.

If I do:

which colorls

I get:


However, if i do:

which clocale

I get:

clocale not found

Now If I look at the installed gems using gem list I can see that clocale is installed:

clocale (0.0.4)
colorls (1.4.6)

How can I fix the warning message: Ignoring clocale-0.0.4 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine clocale --version 0.0.4

helphop commented 2 years ago

I managed to figure out the problem.

  1. I had an old copy of colorls and clocale under my /Library/ruby/gems folder
  2. I had to switch the order of the following in my .zshrc file:
# Load rbenv automatically by appending
# the following to ~/.zshrc:
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"  <- must come before the code below
eval "$(rbenv init - zsh)" <- must come before the code below

eval "$(starship init zsh)"
source $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/

alias la='colorls -h --group-directories-first -1'
alias ld='colorls -d'
alias lf='colorls -f'

alias l='colorls --group-directories-first --almost-all'

alias ll='colorls --group-directories-first --almost-all --long'
bobopon commented 1 year ago


该问题是由于ruby环境错乱导致的。 我通过以下步骤得以解决该问题: 1、通过homebrew卸载ruby和brew-gem 2、通过homebrew安装rbenv和ruby-build 3、通过rbenv创建新ruby环境,“rbenv install 3.1.2”、“rbenv global 3.1.2” 4、通过“which ruby”查询刚刚创建的ruby环境的地址(例如我的地址是:/Users/bb/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/bin/ruby) 5、在zsh文件中添加环境变量,“nano ~/.zshrc”,在最底下添加“export PATH="/Users/bb/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/bin:$PATH””,“source ~/.zshrc”,“rbenv rehash” 6、你的ruby环境已经配置完毕。接下来,重新安装colorls即可。“gem install colorls”,“source $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/”


Hello, I have encountered the same problem as you.

This problem is caused by the confusion of the ruby ​​environment. I was able to resolve the issue by following steps:

  1. Uninstall ruby ​​and brew-gem through homebrew
  2. Install rbenv and ruby-build via homebrew
  3. Create a new ruby ​​environment through rbenv, "rbenv install 3.1.2", "rbenv global 3.1.2"
  4. Use "which ruby" to query the address of the ruby ​​environment just created (for example, my address is: /Users/bb/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/bin/ruby)
  5. Add environment variables in the zsh file, "nano ~/.zshrc", add "export PATH="/Users/bb/.rbenv/versions/3.1.2/bin:$PATH"" at the bottom, "source ~/.zshrc", "rbenv rehash"
  6. Your ruby ​​environment has been configured. Next, reinstall colorls. "gem install colorls", "source $(dirname $(gem which colorls))/"

I hope this is enough to help you~

mgd722 commented 1 year ago

I started getting this after upgrading to macOS Ventura.

I don't do any ruby dev so I can't say if this was the right thing to do or not, but my one line fix was sudo gem install colorls using the system default ruby install.

EDIT: just upgraded to macOS Sonoma and had to do the same thing again. Seemed to work.

jerinthomas1404 commented 11 months ago

@mgd722 It worked 😄 . @helphop I couldn't find any copy of colorls on my machine.

JonasASchmidt commented 10 months ago

I have the same problem and cannot solve it until today.

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avdv commented 10 months ago

Try to debug your init script and figure out at which point the message is generated.

In general, you should be able to use a Ruby version manager, but instead of trying to configure your PATH to include the version, my suggestion would be to define an alias for colorls to actually call your Ruby version manager with a specific environment, something along the lines of alias colorls='rbenv --env ruby-3.2.1 exec colorls. Otherwise you will probably run into problems when the version manager switches environments.

mascanho commented 10 months ago

Had the same issues, update apple's dev tools (Xcode) then made sure to accept the agreement with xcode build -license. After that installed colorls with gem without issues. All working now.

kcalmond commented 4 months ago

@bobopon 's response above fixed this problem for me. I'm running ohmyzsh setup on macos sonoma/ARM