Open PijnackerPeter opened 3 months ago
Can you please try to remove your device and add it once again to see if the device specification is still empty?
I have remove the device and add it once again. Now the device specifications the Tuya app in Homey is not empty. See also picture. With the I have made 3 pictures. Capabilities is still none.
Please copy the device specification instead of posting screenshots.
@PijnackerPeter That's not the device specification. We need the JSON fields, which is best copied from, where you can navigate to the device settings and select the whole JSON value by clicking it a couple of times.
Property | Value |
ID | 7750d14f-fbb8-4965-9308-c73ef23c7e95 |
Name | Renson Sense GO |
Class | other |
Driver | homey:app:com.tuya:other |
Ready | Yes |
Available | Yes |
Warning | No |
Custom icon | No |
That is exactly the same you posted earlier, and not what we are looking for. It needs to look like this, but the ...
needs to have the actual information.
{ "device": ..., "specifications": ...}
"device": {
"active_time": 1721834582,
"biz_type": 0,
"category": "co2bj",
"create_time": 1709036092,
"icon": "smart/icon/bay16569253940161XgC/29cfb893daaa9ac0bd89e487bed67206.png",
"id": "bff7298b22ae6cf783mhaf",
"ip": "<redacted>",
"lat": "<redacted>",
"local_key": "<redacted>",
"lon": "<redacted>",
"model": "66000027",
"name": "Renson Sense GO",
"online": true,
"owner_id": "188739863",
"product_id": "kjaqoddoxk5jqt2c",
"product_name": "Renson Sense GO",
"status": [
"code": "co2_state",
"value": "normal"
"code": "co2_value",
"value": 4960
"code": "alarm_switch",
"value": false
"code": "battery_state",
"value": "high"
"code": "battery_percentage",
"value": 100
"code": "temp_current",
"value": 252
"code": "humidity_value",
"value": 47
"sub": false,
"time_zone": "+02:00",
"uid": "eu1712426267087aVDh3",
"update_time": 1722269494,
"uuid": "827e57154e7720d9"
"specifications": {
"category": "co2bj",
"functions": [
"code": "alarm_switch",
"desc": "{}",
"name": "报警开关",
"type": "Boolean",
"values": "{}"
"status": [
"code": "co2_state",
"name": "CO2检测状态值",
"type": "Enum",
"values": "{\"range\":[\"alarm\",\"normal\"]}"
"code": "co2_value",
"name": "CO2检测值",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"ppm\",\"min\":0,\"max\":50000,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}"
"code": "alarm_switch",
"name": "报警开关",
"type": "Boolean",
"values": "{}"
"code": "battery_state",
"name": "电池电量状态",
"type": "Enum",
"values": "{\"range\":[\"low\",\"middle\",\"high\"]}"
"code": "battery_percentage",
"name": "电池电量",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"%\",\"min\":0,\"max\":100,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
"code": "temp_current",
"name": "当前温度",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"℃\",\"min\":-100,\"max\":600,\"scale\":1,\"step\":1}"
"code": "humidity_value",
"name": "湿度数值",
"type": "Integer",
"values": "{\"unit\":\"%\",\"min\":0,\"max\":100,\"scale\":0,\"step\":1}"
Device information*eujnfq*_gcl_au*MTk1NTY3NjQyMy4xNzIyMDk1MTI0*_ga*MTM0NDE2MDE0Mi4xNzIyMDk1MTI0*_ga_JQQW57RLXE*MTcyMjA5NTEyMC4xLjEuMTcyMjA5NTI2My41MS4wLjA.&_ga=2.83124255.864757151.1722095124-1344160142.1722095124
Device specification