athombv / homey-apps-sdk-issues

This issue tracker is for Homey Developers using the Apps SDK.
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Battery Charging #83

Open hive opened 5 years ago

hive commented 5 years ago

A lot of devices (more every day) either use rechargeable batteries or can be used both in battery and power modes.

Multi Sensors, Cameras, Laptops, Cars, Remotes, Alarms, Watches, Lights, etc.

It would be great if we had a built in way to handle this common occurrence both from a UI perspective as well as flows. (Device is charging, device is charged)

Whether this be upon the measure_battery or the alarm_battery (set to -1) or even just a common capability charge_battery so that there is a unified display.



hive commented 5 years ago

I will be adding this as a custom capability in the mean time, this is the icon which has been supplied.