athombv / homey-web-api-issues

This issue tracker is for Homey Developers using the Web API.
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WebApi V3 Flow IsBroken() promise false positives #53

Open martijnpoppen opened 5 months ago

martijnpoppen commented 5 months ago

Hi, Bumping this again. The isBroken() promise for flows in webApi v3 still doesn't work properly. If the call fails it will mark a flow as isBroken while it actually is not.

In flowchecker i'm using this call and it actually gives a lot of false positives. I got these flows from people which were marked as broken:

Some flows which are marked as broken while they are not broken:

"root":{10 items
"name":string"CO detected alarm"
"trigger":{3 items
"args":{1 item
"capability":{2 items
"name":string"CO alarm"
"conditions":[]0 items
"actions":[6 items
0:{6 items
"args":{1 item
"text":string"Carbon dioxide detected by [[deviceName]] , zone [[deviceZone]] "
1:{6 items
"args":{1 item
"text":string"Carbon dioxide detected by[[deviceName]] in[[deviceZone]] ."
2:{6 items
"args":{2 items
"user":{4 items
"name":string"SOME USER"
"text":string"Carbon dioxide detected by [[deviceName]] , zone [[deviceZone]] "
3:{6 items
"args":{2 items
"user":{4 items
"name":string"SOME USER"
"text":string"Carbon dioxide detected by [[deviceName]] , zone [[deviceZone]] "
4:{6 items
"args":{1 item
"text":string"Detekován oxid uhelnatý - zařízení [[deviceName]] v zóně [[deviceZone]]."
5:{6 items
"args":{1 item
"duration":{2 items
"root":{10 items
"name":string"Water alarm general notification"
"trigger":{3 items
"args":{1 item
"capability":{2 items
"name":string"Water alarm"
"conditions":[2 items
0:{5 items
"args":{1 item
1:{5 items
"args":{1 item
"actions":[3 items
0:{6 items
"args":{1 item
"text":string"Water alarm - [[deviceName]] in - [[deviceZone]] ."
1:{6 items
"args":{2 items
"variable":{2 items
2:{6 items
"args":{2 items
"variable":{2 items
"delay":{2 items
"root":{10 items
"name":string"Dim downlight bathroom"
"trigger":{3 items
"args":{}0 items
"conditions":[1 item
0:{5 items
"args":{}0 items
"actions":[4 items
0:{6 items
"args":{2 items
"variable":{2 items
1:{6 items
"args":{2 items
"variable":{2 items
"value":string"1-[[homey:manager:logic|c10e779b-246c-4db0-b628-789b382c696f]] "
"delay":{2 items
2:{6 items
"args":{1 item
3:{6 items
"args":{1 item
"delay":{2 items
martijnpoppen commented 5 months ago

My code:

async getApiData() {
    this.log(`[getApiData] Setting API_DATA`);
    await this._api.flow.connect();
    await this._api.flowtoken.connect();
    await sleep(2000);

    // Fill all caches
    this.API_DATA.FLOWTOKENS = Object.values(await this._api.flowtoken.getFlowTokens().catch(e => { console.log(e); return {}}));
    this.API_DATA.FLOWS = Object.values(await this._api.flow.getFlows().catch(e => { console.log(e); return {}}));
    this.API_DATA.ADVANCED_FLOWS = Object.values(await this._api.flow.getAdvancedFlows().catch(e => { console.log(e); return {}}));
    this.API_DATA.FOLDERS = Object.values(await this._api.flow.getFlowFolders().catch(e => { console.log(e); return {}}));
    this.API_DATA.SCREENSAVERS = this.appSettings.HOMEY_VERSION === 'Homey2023' ? [] : await this._api.ledring.getScreensavers().catch(e => { console.log(e); return []});
    this.API_DATA.APPS = Object.values(await this._api.apps.getApps().catch(e => { console.log(e); return {}}));
    this.API_DATA.VARIABLES = Object.values(await this._api.logic.getVariables().catch(e => { console.log(e); return {}}));

    this.log(`[getApiData] Setting API_DATA - data length:`, Object.keys(this.API_DATA).length);
   async findBrokenFlows() {
    const flowsArray = [...this.API_DATA.FLOWS, ...this.API_DATA.ADVANCED_FLOWS];

    try {
        // Add promises to array
        for (let i = 0; i < flowsArray.length; i++) {
            if (await flowsArray[i].isBroken().catch(e => { this.log(`[findFlows] ${key} - isBroken Error: `, e); return false })) {
                console.log(`[findFlows] ${key} - isBroken: `, flowsArray[i].name);
    } catch (error) {
        this.log(`[findFlows] ${key} - Error: `, error);