atifrahman / HAWK

Hitting associations with k-mers
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Error running runHawk script #5

Open leoisl opened 6 years ago

leoisl commented 6 years ago


I tried running Hawk, but I got stuck when running the runHawk script. I reran the runHawk script with the -eux bash flags (bash -eux ./runHawk) in order to check what is happening in each step and where is the error. The log file is here: HAWK_error.txt

The command-line that fails is Rscript ~/HAWK/hawk-0.9.8-beta/log_reg_case.R. However, although ~/HAWK/hawk-0.9.8-beta/hawk 47 70 seems to work, I could verify that case_out_w_bonf.kmerDiff and control_out_w_bonf.kmerDiff are both empty, and it seems this is the reason that the Rscript fails.

Could I have any help on this?

Thank you in advance. Kind regards.

atifrahman commented 6 years ago

If hawk ran correctly and case_out_w_bonf.kmerDiff and control_out_w_bonf.kmerDiff are empty, that probably means none of the k-mers had low enough p-value to pass Bonferroni correction even before correcting for population structure. Is that possible?

atifrahman commented 6 years ago

If it's an organism with small genome, it may be worth trying again with smaller value of CUTOFF in line 3 in kmer.h

leoisl commented 6 years ago


thanks for the support on solving this. I was able to verify that even case_out_wo_bonf.kmerDiffand control_out_wo_bonf.kmerDiff are empty, so consequently case_out_w_bonf.kmerDiff and control_out_w_bonf.kmerDiff are empty. However, gwas_eigenstratX.geno and gwas_eigenstratX.snp contain each 260k lines. Due to this, I am suspecting my execution is not entering this if: . I will try to debug this, if you have any idea, I would appreciate it!

Thanks a lot!

leoisl commented 6 years ago

Hello again,

I got some debug values:

sigLevel = 0.05
CUTOFF = 100000000
pValThreshold = 5e-10
ht->kmers[i][j]->pVal = 0.993234
pValThreshold = 5e-10
ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval = y
ht->kmers[i][j]->significanceType = a
ht->kmers[i][j]->pVal = 0.288889
pValThreshold = 5e-10
ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval = n
ht->kmers[i][j]->significanceType = a
ht->kmers[i][j]->pVal = 0.731537
pValThreshold = 5e-10
ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval = n
ht->kmers[i][j]->significanceType = a
ht->kmers[i][j]->pVal = 0.527426
pValThreshold = 5e-10
ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval = y
ht->kmers[i][j]->significanceType = p
ht->kmers[i][j]->pVal = 0.731537
pValThreshold = 5e-10
ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval = n
ht->kmers[i][j]->significanceType = a
ht->kmers[i][j]->pVal = 0.288889
pValThreshold = 5e-10

So, sometimes ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval == 'n', in which case we don't enter the if. I don't know why this happens. But I think the most worrying is that it seems all the p-values are way higher than pValThreshold, so all kmers are probably being filtered out by the this variable. pValThreshold is very, very small because we divide sigLevel by the CUTOFFat . Maybe this is related to your last answer... I am working with bacterial genomes, so they don't go over 10Mbp. In addition, I am using contigs, not raw reads (I remove the part in jellyfish command-line that removes low-frequency k-mers due to this). Do you think that setting CUTOFF = 1, thus letting pValThreshold = 0.05 is an option? Does this make sense in HAWK?

Thanks a lot!

atifrahman commented 6 years ago

In this case, you can try setting CUTOFF=100000. 1 is too low since Bonferroni correction is performed anyway. If it still doesn't work, we're probably underpowered (the Poisson assumption is not really true for contig data).

leoisl commented 6 years ago


I tried CUTOFF=100000 but no success... There were 15 k-mers in case_out_wo_bonf.kmerDiff but 0 in control_out_wo_bonf.kmerDiff, so the pipeline still bugged when executing the R script. I am not sure if it helps, but I was able to successfully run HAWK v0.8.3-beta on ~10 bacterial datasets, but it is kind of hard to pinpoint what should I change in HAWK v0.9.8-beta to be able to run it as well, since there were lots of changes: Do you have any other suggestions? Maybe my data isn't fit for HAWK v0.9.8-beta (as you said, we're probably underpowered (the Poisson assumption is not really true for contig data)), and I should run HAWK v0.8.3-beta instead? Does HAWK v0.8.3-beta also assume Poisson assumption?

Thanks again!

atifrahman commented 6 years ago

There actually isn't a whole lot of difference between the hawk.cpp in versions 0.9.8 and 0.8.3 with regard to case_out_wo_bonf.kmerDiff and control_out_wo_bonf.kmerDiff. HAWK v0.8.3-beta also assumes Poisson distribution. We hadn't thought of k-mer data from contigs previously but we will look into it.

leoisl commented 6 years ago

Dear Atif Rahman,

I took a detailed look at the diff of hawk.cpp between the two versions, while debugging the code on the datasets I couldn't make HAWK v0.9.8-beta work, and I reached the conclusion that the main reason for HAWK v0.9.8-beta being unable to output significant kmers in these specific datasets is because many of them were being filtered out on the following condition: . By removing this condition (i.e. ht->kmers[i][j]->forPval='y'; is always executed), I am able to retrieve significant kmers.

However, I am not sure if removing this condition makes sense for the method. Is it somehow related to the minimum allele frequency (maf)? We usually use a maf of 1% when running similar tools on our datasets, and would this translate to replacing the condition on line to if(presentRatio>=0.01 && presentRatio<=0.99) or not? If not, could you please explain what this condition does and which values would you propose to make it less stringent?

Thank you again!

Kind regards.