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Grouping LedgerUnion: General error: 1111 Invalid use of group function #8

Open romaninsh opened 7 years ago

romaninsh commented 7 years ago

Normally UnionModel can be grouped using a built-in method already. Even though the query seems fine, it produces the following error:

error: "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1111 Invalid use of group function" (further reported in #8)

It appears that generated SQL query is invalid containing:

sum(NULL) `due_net`, 

Normally sum() must have an argument. The aggregation is defined:


And this is defined in a UnionModel:

$this->addExpression('due_net', ['[total_net] * [pct]', 'type'=>'money']);
romaninsh commented 7 years ago

Cleaned up the query:

  sum(`derivedTable`.`total_gross`) `total_gross`, 
      `derivedTable`.`total_net` * (
        1 - (2 / sum(`derivedTable`.`total_gross`)
  ) `due_net` 
        `dochead`.`id` `id`, 
        `dochead`.`contractor_from` `contact_id`, 
        `dochead`.`doc_date` `date`, 
        sum(`dochead`.`total_gross`) `total_gross`, 
        `dochead`.`total_net` `total_net`, 
        sum(NULL) `due_net` 
        inner join `invoice` as `_i` on `_i`.`dochead_id` = `dochead`.`id` 
        `dochead`.`doc_type` = 'invoice' 
        and `dochead`.`contractor_to` = 8 
        and `dochead`.`deleted` = 'N' 
        and `dochead`.`system_id` = 9 
        and `dochead`.`doc_date` <= '2017-04-18' 
      group by 

  ) `derivedTable` 
group by 
romaninsh commented 7 years ago

I think culpit is here:

      `derivedTable`.`total_net` * (
        1 - (2 / sum(`derivedTable`.`total_gross`)
  ) `due_net`
romaninsh commented 7 years ago

changing it to 1 - (2 / derivedTable.total_gross) woks.

So problem is when grouping using UnionLedger it replaces columns with aggregates, but some other columns may rely on the original values.

romaninsh commented 7 years ago

Idea to reproduce this issue:

$m->addExpression('x2', '[x] * 2');

$m->groupBy('type', [

This would cause both x and x2 to be replaced with aggregate fields, but during select x2 relies on x causing query:

select sum( sum(x) * 2)

which should be

select sum( (x) * 2 )

Current work-around not to use same names for the aggregate fields.