atlanhq / camelot

Camelot: PDF Table Extraction for Humans
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AttributeError: module 'camelot' has no attribute 'read_pdf' #377

Closed manfye closed 4 years ago

manfye commented 4 years ago

Tried everything but still fail =(

anakin87 commented 4 years ago

Please paste your code

anakin87 commented 4 years ago

Pleas read this:

vinayak-mehta commented 4 years ago

@manfye Please reopen this if you still face this issue.

manfye commented 4 years ago

hi, i changed to tabula for my project. Will update when I try the library again

zdenop commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem. I pip install camelot and then:

import camelot tables = camelot.read_pdf('agstat.pdf') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in tables = camelot.read_pdf('agstat.pdf') AttributeError: module 'camelot' has no attribute 'read_pdf'

I am on Python 3.6.6 (v3.6.6:4cf1f54eb7, Jun 27 2018, 03:37:03) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

TheNetJedi commented 4 years ago

@zdenop make sure you're using the right camelot variant. I was facing a similar issue but then I removed camelot package and installed camelot-py[cv] which worked for me. You might want to experiment a bit.

zdenop commented 4 years ago

@TheNetJedi : thanks uninstalling camelot and installing camelot-py[cv] solved the issue.