In the POST, the only error message that I am receiving, regardless of the error issue is:
Failed to create L2VPN. Status code: 400: Request does not have a valid JSON or body is incomplete/incorrect
The following error messages are in the SPEC and don't appear to be supported:
[x] 201: L2VPN Service Created
[x] 400: Request does not have a valid JSON or body is incomplete/incorrect
[x] 410: Can't fulfill the strict QoS requirements
[x] 402: Request not compatible (For instance, when a L2VPN P2MP is requested but only L2VPN P2P is supported)
[x] 409: L2VPN Service already exists.
------------------------------------ To be addressed in next release.
[ ] 401: Not Authorized
[ ] 411: Scheduling not possible
[ ] 422: Attribute not supported by the SDX-LC/OXPO
In the POST, the only error message that I am receiving, regardless of the error issue is: Failed to create L2VPN. Status code: 400: Request does not have a valid JSON or body is incomplete/incorrect
The following error messages are in the SPEC and don't appear to be supported: