atlanticwave-sdx / sdx-controller

Central Controller for AtlanticWave SDX.
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PATCH l2vpn should accept single fields in request body #348

Open usmanazFIU opened 1 month ago

usmanazFIU commented 1 month ago

PATCH l2vpn should accept one field or all fields from the request body that needs to be edited. right now it expects endpoints and everything else because it is first deleting the connection and then creating a connection with the same service id. it should not delete and only edit as a PATCH would work

YufengXin commented 1 month ago

We'll deal with PATCH as one task after SC because it needs several issues corresponding to each field to be changed.

For example, if the patch changes the VLAN id, or BW constraints, the connection has to be deleted, and then re-provisioned. Another example is if it's allowed to change the endpoints?

This is the same as Sharon's ticket.

I tag this as "Enhancement" - a feature request to be discussed and dealt with later.