atlas-engineer / nyxt

Nyxt - the hacker's browser.
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tab limiter #3336

Closed KonstantinDjairo closed 4 months ago

KonstantinDjairo commented 4 months ago

we could have a variable to set a number to be the limit of tabs, this way nyxt could run smoother on low end computers and it also would prevent distraction. the user could costumize this variable in his config.lisp (tab-limit 6) something like this

aadcg commented 4 months ago

@KonstantinDjairo this is certainly possible to do. However, I have doubts whether it belongs to Nyxt's core. It seems more suitable for an extension or personal config.

KonstantinDjairo commented 4 months ago

it was an example of how it could be called or set by the user in his personal config. for some reason nyxt crashes/freezes when several tabs are open at the same time, and there are some open issues here at its repository that report the same thing, so it could be a workaround both for users with a more modest hardware and for people having that trouble

aadcg commented 4 months ago

A feature shouldn't be added to hide or tame a bug. I think that the idea is worth considering but it is, nonetheless, the subject for personal configuration or an extension.

Note that #2134 has been closed.