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Apply `dark-mode` unless the page is using its own dark mode #3340

Open unixbhaskar opened 4 months ago

unixbhaskar commented 4 months ago

Describe the bug Say, I have dark mode enabled for Reddit and LInkedIN, Now if I try to open those page, it malformed and lost it color and representation. Precise recipe to reproduce the issue Just open the darkened version and use dark mode again on those.

For website-specific issues: Can you reproduce this issue with Epiphany / GNOME Web ( No other browser showing this : Vimb, firefox Information

ASDF version: 3.3.5 ASDF registries: (NYXT-SOURCE-REGISTRY ENVIRONMENT-SOURCE-REGISTRY) Critical dependencies: (/home/bhaskar/Downloads/nyxt-3.11/_build/cl-cffi-gtk/gtk/cl-cffi-gtk.asd /home/bhaskar/Downloads/nyxt-3.11/_build/cl-gobject-introspection/cl-gobject-introspection.asd /home/bhaskar/Downloads/nyxt-3.11/_build/cl-webkit/webkit2/cl-webkit2.asd)

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Output when started from a shell

aadcg commented 4 months ago

The check could be made via JS.

Also, dark-mode could be enabled on URLs matching a certain predicate via auto-rules. Visit nyxt:manual#auto-rules from Nyxt.

unixbhaskar commented 4 months ago

The check could be made via JS.

Also, dark-mode could be enabled on URLs matching a certain predicate via auto-rules. Visit nyxt:manual#auto-rules from Nyxt.

Gotcha!! :)