atlas-engineer / nyxt

Nyxt - the hacker's browser.
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Delete nyxt/submodules #3375

Closed aadcg closed 2 months ago

aadcg commented 2 months ago


Thanks to the changes to the *.nix files, adding the element below to {sly,slime}-lisp-implementations

  ,(expand-file-name "/path/to/shell-electron.nix")
  "--run" "sbcl --dynamic-space-size 3072"))

enables a flexible dev env as exemplified below. Note that it's possible to override libraries marked as git submodules. Concretely ~/common-lisp/cl-lib overrides /path/to/nyxt/checkout/_build/cl-lib, where cl-lib is a dependency featured in .gitmodules. The approach works for both Linux and macOS.

(dolist (system '(:nasdf :nyxt :cl-electron :alexandria)) (print (nth-value 2 (asdf:locate-system system))))

Fixes #3374
