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Fix SET-URL #3385

Closed shamazmazum closed 2 months ago

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

As discussed in #3383, I open another PR which fixes navigation to URLs like "".

It brings two changes: 1) Uses valid-url-p to check if "https://" + query is a valid URL. 2) In valid-url-p move the check of TLD validity out of (or (not check-dns-p) ...) block. Maybe it is my fault (I'm too lazy to do git blame), but this has nothing to do with DNS lookup.

Now you can set URL to,, wiki foobar or foobar and get what you want in all those cases.

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

Oops, one test fails, investigating

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

Done! As I said, I would like to remove DNS lookups completely in later commits, so URLs like http://foobar would be valid URLs. DNS is not used to check if an URL is valid since 377e9ab, so as for now I think this is a good idea to check if a query is an URL without a scheme or a search: if a query contains a dot and (valid-url-p (str:concat "https://" (query query)) :check-dns-p nil) is non-NIL, then it is not a search.

@aadcg Please review

aadcg commented 2 months ago

@shamazmazum I'll review soon, thanks.

aadcg commented 2 months ago

@shamazmazum I think there are two issues in this PR.

  1. As we have agreed, we don't want to change type signatures in this PR. See the change in initialize-instance :after.
  2. The issue we're solving is related to the call (and check-dns-p (valid-tld-p (query query))). Note that (cl-tld:get-tld "") => "com", while (cl-tld:get-tld "") => NIL. For this reason, the later case is interpreted as a search engine query. The solution you propose seems too fragile.
shamazmazum commented 2 months ago
  1. initialize-instance still can accept check-dns-p, obviously, but OK, I bring it back.
  2. The solution I propose it simple: if it looks like an URL, check if it is a valid URL with quri. cl-tld just does not work here. Moreover, quri was also used before 377e9ab (the commit which introduced this bug). If you think that this is not OK, I would like to see any examples where this approach does not work.

UPD: I may be wrong, but firefox does the same: if a query contains a dot, it tries to interpret it as an URL. If your URL does not have a dot, you have to specify the scheme. Surely, firefox never did any DNS lookups to determine if a query is an URL or not.

Before 377e9ab the conditional was:

((and check-dns-p
      (valid-url-p (str:concat "https://" (query query))
                   :check-dns-p check-dns-p))
 (setf (query query) (str:concat "https://" (query query))))

I just replace check-dns-p with a test for a dot and always pass nil to :check-dns-p (as you already do).

UPD2: Check this code from initialize-instance on master:

    ((valid-url-p (query query)
                  :check-dns-p nil)
     ;; Valid URLs should be passed forward.
    ((and check-dns-p
          (valid-tld-p (query query)))
     (setf (query query) (str:concat "https://" (query query))))

What is the logic of using valid-url-p in the first conditional and a weaker check valid-tld-p in the second?

aadcg commented 2 months ago

@shamazmazum enter about.this, and on Firefox and note that the first one is interpreted as a search query. This seems to be the counter-example you've requested.

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

@aadcg I agree with the first example. I still suggest using valid-url-p because it parses an URL and then you can pass the host part to valid-tld-p. We can do valid-url-p which checks TLD and a weaker predicate which omits this test (e.g. when the scheme was explicitly supplied). Obviously, you will have to change the type of valid-url-p to something like (-> valid-url-p (string &key (:check-tld-p boolean)) (values boolean &optional)).

Otherwise, I don't know. Cut everything after / in the query? But bar baz is obviously not an URL. Reinvent URL parsing in valid-tld-p? What for if we have quri.

I am out of ideas :) I'll just let it be if you don't like the idea with TLD check in valid-url-p.

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

BTW, there is a TLD check in valid-url-p which never runs.

aadcg commented 2 months ago

@aadcg I agree with the first example. I still suggest using valid-url-p because it parses an URL and then you can pass the host part to valid-tld-p. We can do valid-url-p which checks TLD and a weaker predicate which omits this test (e.g. when the scheme was explicitly supplied). Obviously, you will have to change the type of valid-url-p to something like (-> valid-url-p (string &key (:check-tld-p boolean)) (values boolean &optional)).

Overall, I agree. If we follow this approach, then we don't need to check for dots in the query or am I missing something?

To put things into perspective, I've noticed the mess while fixing #2134. I took the approach of changing the minimum. I did mistakes nonetheless (8b00a2f8c and the bug you mention when querying ""), but the goal was to keep all of the knobs in place to easily revert to a previous state. It is now clear that it makes little sense to try to fix what is fundamentally broken. Therefore, I take my word back and suggest that we iterate on what the ideal solution would look like without any constraints. Sorry, I had the hope that this wouldn't spiral so deep.

Some things to take into account:

  1. The only "DNS check" we care for is the one done by cl-tld. I'm not sure whether, linguistically and technically, we should call it a DNS check or TLD check.
  2. Note that the DNS/TLD-check (in the above sense) is a needed parameter, see prompter:filter-preprocessor and prompter:filter-postprocessor from new-url-or-search-source.
  3. Ensure that issues #2134 and #3349 remain fixed.
  4. Bonus points for fixing this issue.

Let me see the full solution you suggest and then we'll go from there. Thanks!

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

@aadcg I hope, I did it :) I split it into two commits: the first fixes the issue with minimal changes and the second does some clean-up which removes :check-dns-p parameter and also lookup-hostname function, because it is not used anymore. If you now allow me to change signatures (as I think, you do), I suggest accepting all those commits.

2134 remains fixed (at least I see not delays on my computer), #3349 fixed, IP addresses work ( goes directly to Additional test cases added.

Please, re-check if I missed something (I hope not).

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

OK. Thanks. I'll do it all later, but firstly I would like to know why use with-slots instead of with-accessors. These two mean different things. If you are sure that you want the first, then OK, sure :) But do you really want it?

shamazmazum commented 2 months ago

@aadcg I did what you said. You still have to type http://localhost if you want to visit localhost, I hope it's OK more or less. BTW check something like Images.jl (a Julia package) in Nyxt and Firefox :)

aadcg commented 2 months ago

@shamazmazum I've pushed your work in commits 14dac1e88, 424eff657, 1f583161c and ec082a380. Thank you for your patience!