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Delete `define-class` indirection #3481

Open aadcg opened 3 months ago

aadcg commented 3 months ago

nclasses is a library maintained by @atlas-engineer/atlas so it's odd that define a macro on top of nclasses:define-class.

We don't need *automatic-types-p* set to t. *accessor-name-package* could easily be set to :slot-name by default. The default value of *predicate-name-transformer* is a good default and we don't to rely on nclasses:always-dashed-predicate-name-transformer.

jmercouris commented 3 months ago

I think this decision was made pre-fork. I'm not exactly sure the history behind it, there was however some reasoning.

aadcg commented 3 months ago

@jmercouris that doesn't seem correct since both *automatic-types-p* and *predicate-name-transformer* were for sure included by (past) members of the Atlas team.