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Script to scrape publication data into a .md file for upload to website #4

Open rramji opened 7 months ago

rramji commented 7 months ago

Make a python script that can automate the process for creating publication entries. If possible, the script should get the author names, article title, journal name, publication date, and abstract and compile it into a templated markdown file for insertion into the publications page.

For the publications: we can stick with pubs starting from 2018 or 2019 since that's when the lab started up. There will be a relatively large number of publications here, so it would probably be ideal if this could be automated to some degree (like a script that could automatically parse a google scholar entry or DOI into a properly formatted markdown file that matches the template for the wowchemy publications page.

rramji commented 4 months ago

Deliverable: a command-line executable script that runs with a PDF input file and outputs a publication directory that could be copied into the website's publications folder.

rramji commented 4 months ago


dowhep commented 4 months ago

Can be based of my jupyter notebook script.