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How laravel-admin speeds up CRUD process? #8

Open atlaschiew opened 1 year ago

atlaschiew commented 1 year ago

based on sample from


namespace App\Admin\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use Encore\Admin\Controllers\AdminController;
use Encore\Admin\Form;
use Encore\Admin\Grid;
use Encore\Admin\Show;

class UserController extends AdminController
    protected $title ='Users';

    protected function grid()
        $grid = new Grid(new User());

        $grid->column('id', __('Id'));
        $grid->column('name', __('Name'));
        $grid->column('email', __('Email'));
        $grid->column('password', __('Password'));
        $grid->column('created_at', __('Created at'));
        $grid->column('updated_at', __('Updated at'));

        return $grid;

    protected function detail($id)
        $show = new Show(User::findOrFail($id));

        $show->field('id', __('Id'));
        $show->field('name', __('Name'));
        $show->field('email', __('Email'));
        $show->field('password', __('Password'));
        $show->field('created_at', __('Created at'));
        $show->field('updated_at', __('Updated at'));

        return $show;

    protected function form()
        $form = new Form(new User());

        $form->textarea('name', __('Name'));
        $form->textarea('email', __('Email'));
        $form->textarea('password', __('Password'));

        return $form;

All methods on sample are protected, means they are not accessible by public, so we know the public methods are surely located in adminController. Let's open up adminController.


namespace Encore\Admin\Controllers;

use Encore\Admin\Layout\Content;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller;

class AdminController extends Controller
    use HasResourceActions;

     * Title for current resource.
     * @var string
    protected $title = 'Title';

     * Set description for following 4 action pages.
     * @var array
    protected $description = [
        //        'index'  => 'Index',
        //        'show'   => 'Show',
        //        'edit'   => 'Edit',
        //        'create' => 'Create',

     * Get content title.
     * @return string
    protected function title()
        return $this->title;

     * Index interface.
     * @param Content $content
     * @return Content
    public function index(Content $content)
        return $content
            ->description($this->description['index'] ?? trans('admin.list'))

     * Show interface.
     * @param mixed   $id
     * @param Content $content
     * @return Content
    public function show($id, Content $content)
        return $content
            ->description($this->description['show'] ?? trans(''))

     * Edit interface.
     * @param mixed   $id
     * @param Content $content
     * @return Content
    public function edit($id, Content $content)
        return $content
            ->description($this->description['edit'] ?? trans('admin.edit'))

     * Create interface.
     * @param Content $content
     * @return Content
    public function create(Content $content)
        return $content
            ->description($this->description['create'] ?? trans('admin.create'))

We can see there are four public methods, index, show, edit, and create respectively. 1) index build listing with use of grid object. 2) show build details of row. 3) edit build edit form. 4) create build add form.

now open up parent class ( and you will see there are another three new public methods, update, store & destroy.

5) update update existing record. 6) store add new record. 7) destroy delete a row.

atlaschiew commented 1 year ago

okay. all 7 public methods above are created to match with routes generated by Route::resource().
