atlascoder / tracker_hider

A plugin for redmine
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Error if there is a group member #3

Open quanvn opened 8 years ago

quanvn commented 8 years ago

This is very useful plugin for me. However, If I add a group as member, then access Project setting give this error (If being admin)

Couldn't find User with id=28 [WHERE users.type IN ('User', 'AnonymousUser')]

with the following change, everything works well:

in views/_tracker_hider_settings.html.erb, line 10, change the original
<% if member.user_id>0 then %> into <% if User.where(id: member.user_id).first.is_a?(User) then %> Please check this point. Thanks you

atlascoder commented 8 years ago

Hi, quanvn! Yes, i dont use grops in my practice and have absolutely forgotten about that. Thanks, I will fix is near days.

And another question I have. I supposet that you hav etested 'master' o 'fix_trackers' branch, but did you test the 'global_roles' branch? I am interesting in you opiniton about the usable way for defining of visibility rules. Thanks!