atlasgames-repo / fortress-defense

The unity fortress defense project
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Update-v0.3.x-alpha Master Bug #123

Open m-nt opened 7 months ago

m-nt commented 7 months ago


- Add any UI/Code/design related bugs here as a comment here.

- Add a title of that bug in here as task.

- Make sure that every bug fit in one comment, don't send multiple comment for one bug.

- From Development tab here create branches for the issue


m-nt commented 7 months ago

Font Bug

I think the font used in the game doesn't have (( / )) (Slash), that's why it won't be rendered the slash(/) in the place of showing the world you are in from the remaining worlds.

Nooo, I check the font in the google and it has the slash.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Next Button For World Changes

The levels go back and forth very quickly and this makes the fade animation ugly and square like. I think it takes 1 second for each click to move forward. In the MapControllerUI you need to add the time to IEnumerator.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Running Game in the Background

Even when you win or lose you can mark the archer! if you want tell me in the telegram to send the video for you.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Archer upgrade problem

When you press upgrade so fast, archer will update a few further, for example, if you press 2 times quickly, it may update the archer 3 times, but if you press upgrade normally, it is ok.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Health Bar Transform

The Transform of the health bar is so above the enemy or even don't show!!

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Menus Title logo and text

The Atlas Game Logo in the Menu Atlas / Home Menu / Home has problem. The arrow is behind the Text. image

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Low Res Target UI

The Target Sprite in AtlasGames/Sprites/UI's has low resolution, especially when the screen is maximize.

How to fix: Make a new target sprite but if you are making it in photoshop you have not to use the shape tool beacuse it makes the sprite pixelate.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

The Atlas Game Logo in the Menu Atlas / Home Menu / Home has problem. The arrow is behind the Text.

Please be more specific about this. @NimaDevy

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Magics Playing and Damaging in the background

When you use magic in the last moments of winning or losing, the magic still damages the enemy even when you win or lose. For example: I use the magic of thunder, and even when I lose, it still activates and damages the player.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Bug 1 (Slider)

1- The Slider in Loading is not working good. 1

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Bug 2 (Event menu)

1- In the event menu the events are too far from the left side. 2

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Bug 3 (Guide Book)

1- When you open the guide book the pause menu set active goes to true. 3

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Bug 4 (Victory Menu)

1- In the victory menu the placement of stars or chests is very bad. 4

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Guide Book

When you open and close the manual, the icon in the lower right corner will open and close.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Problem For icons

The icons in the game is very small and har to click in mobile. photo_5980952666936819651_y

In the Top left for example

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Mobile Buid Problem For icons

The icons in the game is very small and har to click in mobile.

@NimaDevy Can you specify the type of phone and its details like aspect ratio etc...

@m-nt my phone that I test with it is redmi9 and its aspect ratio is 19.5:9

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Cancle the magics

There is no way that you can cancel magic, for example, if you got hold of it and you don't want to use it.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Archers miss a lot

When the enemy is very close to the castle, the archers miss a lot of shots every time! especially when the enemy is in the one line. Bug

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Win and lose at the same time

I was testing the game, the health of the castle was 3 and in the last moment I killed the enemy and he attack to the castle(at the same time). UI crashed and show the win pannel and the lose pannel at the same time.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Background Music

If you win or lose or pause and wait for a few minutes the background music don't play. I think it's in the audio soure component for music, check for the loop section to be active.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Thunder Magic Boundary

Thunder Magic boundary is very open. It damages the enemy that is close to it too. Also the scale of it is short and you can see all the sprite. Capture

How to Fix:

In Assets/_FD/Prefab/Affected Zone the affected zone has polygon collider that is exatly around the sprite. you need to make it a Smaller Size.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Boss/MiniBoss Health Bar

In the levels 10, 15, 20 and etc, there is a health bar on the head of the enemy but there is a big health bar also. you need to disable the first one and the enemy is boss or miniboss. bug

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Background of the levels

Levels 40 - 60 (World5 and World6) has very low quality background and also this cause to enemys seem that are ouside the map. bug4

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago


When you select the magic but not selecting the slot it needs to damage, and then you win or lose, the select sprite remains in the background. Capture

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Archer Place In Pause Mode

When you are in pause screen you can place the archers.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Problem For icons

The icons in the game is very small and har to click in mobile.

@NimaDevy Need more details...

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Win and lose at the same time

I was testing the game, the health of the castle was 3 and in the last moment I killed the enemy and he attack to the castle(at the same time). UI crashed and show the win panel and the lose panel at the same time.

@NimaDevy Good job, but these type of error is very rare, and doesn't have that much priority. I'll tag this for future plans.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Start The Game And Pause

When the game starts and I stop quickly, both panel images appear. photo_5996764747950835122_y

How to fix: I think we should set a time until the game starts (the duration of the start animation) so that the stop function is activated after this.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Boss / Miniboss Walk Line

It is much better if the boss or mini-boss comes only in the middle row(line). photo_6001495886355611660_w

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Poison And Blizzard Bug

When you use blizzard magic and after that the poison, the enemies start moving instead of staying in place and taking damage. This is also true when you use blizzard and magnet. Also if you hear the last moment of the video the background sound connects and disconnects when you use poison.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Affect Zone Color Bug

I dont know why but sometimes the color of affect zone is this: photo_6006005395857981311_w

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Mobile Build Bug (Loading in home menu scene)

After downloading the necessary assets, when the menu page comes up, no button works and the animations do not play and... My suggestion is like the call of duty mobile, after downloading data, a new panel should appear as Loading Data, then this panel should come to load the game, for example, the simple text Loading can appear on the panel. But when it's over, the player can play from the beginning and doesn't have to wait two minutes for the game to load.

NimaDevy commented 7 months ago

Level Bug From Login Menu

I have a problem. I checked all levels up to level 100, but when I went to atlasgames/scene/login from the main game login page, only one level didn't work properly. level 15.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Poison And Blizzard Bug

When you use blizzard magic and after that the poison, the enemies start moving instead of staying in place and taking damage. This is also true when you use blizzard and magnet. Also if you hear the last moment of the video the background sound connects and disconnects when you use poison.

Yes this is not a bug, its a feature 😁. About the audio I didn't anything bad, the problem is the poison audio itself. its very bad.

m-nt commented 7 months ago

Level Bug From Login Menu

I have a problem. I checked all levels up to level 100, but when I went to atlasgames/scene/login from the main game login page, only one level didn't work properly. level 15.

How the level didn't work properly, please specify more details.

Russell2023 commented 6 months ago

There is a problem with the gameplay. From levels 60 and so on, player might be able to use archer level 4th and 5th. These arches can slow down the enemies. For now we have no issue with normal enemies, however there is a problem with bosses/mini-bosses. I have to speed up the bosses so that the effect of archers won't make boss fights so easy. The problem is that the player might not reach archers level 4th and 5th which will make the boss fight too hard. Guess I explained it a bit complicated :)

As a solution, we might delete the slow down effect for bosses/mini-bosses.

NimaDevy commented 6 months ago

There is a problem with the gameplay. From levels 60 and so on, player might be able to use archer level 4th and 5th. These arches can slow down the enemies. For now we have no issue with normal enemies, however there is a problem with bosses/mini-bosses. I have to speed up the bosses so that the effect of archers won't make boss fights so easy. The problem is that the player might not reach archers level 4th and 5th which will make the boss fight too hard. Guess I explained it a bit complicated :)

As a solution, we might delete the slow down effect for bosses/mini-bosses.

Yes, the mini-bosses or the bosses are so fast. I think it is better to apply only the damage of the archers and not change their speed

NimaDevy commented 6 months ago

Mobile Login Menu Font Bug

When you set the password to Hide mode, it doesn't show anything, whether it is written or not, it is better to put <<....>> (dot) instead of nothing, for example .... . 1712348417050

NimaDevy commented 6 months ago

Mobile Tutorial And Load Levels Scene Bug

The last tutorial panel of the game cannot be closed in the Main Menu scene, and also when the first startup of the scene, the levels do not come up and turn black but when you go into the game for the second time, it cames up. 1712348417043

NimaDevy commented 6 months ago

Mobile Damage Text Recommendation

Damage text for the floating text when the castle itself is damaged, I think it should be larger and more visible (only for the castle) 1712348417040

m-nt commented 6 months ago

There is a problem with the gameplay. From levels 60 and so on, player might be able to use archer level 4th and 5th. These arches can slow down the enemies. For now we have no issue with normal enemies, however there is a problem with bosses/mini-bosses. I have to speed up the bosses so that the effect of archers won't make boss fights so easy. The problem is that the player might not reach archers level 4th and 5th which will make the boss fight too hard. Guess I explained it a bit complicated :)

As a solution, we might delete the slow down effect for bosses/mini-bosses.

Yes it is a problem, and no this is not a good solution. better solution is that the normal enemy attack also in the same wave as boss so its not alone and archer will not focus on the boss.

NimaDevy commented 6 months ago

Mobile Loading Scene Problem

I dont know why but in the slider there is a image that is stretching (Only in mobile, in the pc it is not like that). photo_2024-04-10_09-04-54

Russell2023 commented 5 months ago

The game shows no UI after losing a level. This is the error I got:

UnassignedReferenceException: The variable LeaderBoardUI of MenuManager has not been assigned. You probably need to assign the LeaderBoardUI variable of the MenuManager script in the inspector. MenuManager+d__32.MoveNext () (at Assets/_FD/Script/GUI/MenuManager.cs:137) UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <31d5d65b32ec483292e13e8ae4100b93>:0) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) MenuManager:IGameOver() (at Assets/_FD/Script/GUI/MenuManager.cs:130) GameManager:GameOver() (at Assets/_FD/Script/GameManager.cs:262) TheFortrest:TakeDamage(Single, Vector2, Vector2, GameObject, BODYPART, WeaponEffect, WEAPON_EFFECT) (at Assets/_FD/Script/TheFortrest.cs:95) EnemyMeleeAttack:Check4Hit() (at Assets/_FD/Script/SmartEnemy/EnemyMeleeAttack.cs:84) SmartEnemyGrounded:AnimMeleeAttackStart() (at Assets/_FD/Script/SmartEnemy/SmartEnemyGrounded.cs:298)

m-nt commented 5 months ago

Mobile Loading Scene Problem

I dont know why but in the slider there is a image that is stretching (Only in mobile, in the pc it is not like that). photo_2024-04-10_09-04-54

please add these to the codecks as well as here. thanks @NimaDevy

Russell2023 commented 4 months ago

On of the enemies (CrystalLizard) has no attack damage. Do we consider as a bug or it is easily customizable? @m-nt

Edit: Just found out that one other enemy (ShardLizard) has the same problem.

fortress-defense - Playing atlas Test - PC, Mac   Linux Standalone - Unity 2020 2 5f1 Personal _DX11_ 5_17_2024 6_45_55 PM

Russell2023 commented 4 months ago

Sometime range enemies don't have any damage to the castle. I think whenever there is another enemy in front of range enemies, the attack damage disappears.

Russell2023 commented 4 months ago

We have a little problem wit thunder magic. It does have damage for the start, but after the first hit. ii won't affect the enemy anymore.

Russell2023 commented 3 months ago

Player is able to move the castle health bar.

fortress-defense - Playing atlas Testing - PC, Mac   Linux Standalone - Unity 2020 2 5f1 Personal _DX11_ 6_10_2024 6_27_20 PM