atlassian-api / atlassian-python-api

Atlassian Python REST API wrapper
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Add label parameter to get_all_spaces method #1410

Open frankiedrake opened 3 weeks ago

frankiedrake commented 3 weeks ago

There's a possibility to get all spaces by a specified label in the Confluence Rest API, but it's impossible to do this via SDK right now. As a workaround I use the following:

confluence.get('rest/api/space', params={'label':'service', 'start':0, 'limit':500})

but would be nice to have it directly in get_all_spaces method, or, maybe even better, to have some **kwargs that will be passed as a uri query. I don't have full understanding on what these labels are (b/c I have a Confluence admin who manages it), but I can see them this way (Categories section) image

frankiedrake commented 3 weeks ago

I can make a PR if you whish :)

gonchik commented 3 weeks ago

@frankiedrake sure! :)