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Atlassian __init__ / [BitBucket] alias removal? ('Stash') #947

Open aathertone opened 2 years ago

aathertone commented 2 years ago

I noticed an alias for Bitbucket on line 3 of from .bitbucket import Bitbucket as Stash

As this is used in an example I began following the "Blame" trail almost 8 years back; I believe this Alias may be depreciated from what I have seen it is used only in one example.


To ensure this was not used as Syntactic Styling, I began to delve into other bitbucket Examples as I am currently not working with the bitbucket functionality at the moment. and found that and are the only two places using this alias...

I may be very wrong and would always love to learn! thanks!

I have locally fixed the example without the alias and everything is working great!

# coding=utf-8
import logging
import time

from atlassian import Jira
from atlassian import Bitbucket

Clean branches for closed issues

REPOS = ["repo1", "repo2"]
ACCEPTED_ISSUE_STATUSES = ["Closed", "Verified"]
EXCLUDE_REPO_RULES = ["refs/heads/release/", "refs/heads/master/", "development"]
ATLASSIAN_USER = "gonchik.tsymzhitov"
JIRA_URL = "http://localhost:8080"
BITBUCKET_URL = "http://localhost:5999"

jira = Jira(url=JIRA_URL, username=ATLASSIAN_USER, password=ATLASSIAN_PASSWORD)

Bitbucket = Bitbucket(url=BITBUCKET_URL, username=ATLASSIAN_USER, password=ATLASSIAN_PASSWORD)

flag = True
time_now = int(time.time()) * 1000
delta_for_time_ms = LAST_COMMIT_CONDITION_IN_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
commit_info_key = "com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.bitbucket-branch:latest-commit-metadata"
out_going_pull_request = "com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.bitbucket-ref-metadata:outgoing-pull-request-metadata"
branch_related_issues = "com.atlassian.bitbucket.server.bitbucket-jira:branch-list-jira-issues"

def is_can_removed_branch(branch_candidate):
    branch_id_name = branch_candidate.get("id")
    # Just exclude exist mainstream branches
    if any(x in branch_id_name for x in EXCLUDE_REPO_RULES):
        print(branch.get("displayId") + " in exclusion list")
        return False
    # skip default branch maybe DevOps made configs in ui
    if branch_candidate.get("isDefault"):
        print(branch.get("displayId") + " is default")
        return False
    pull_request_info = (branch_candidate.get("metadata") or {}).get(out_going_pull_request) or {}
    if pull_request_info.get("pullRequest") is not None or (pull_request_info.get("open") or 0) > 0:
        print(branch.get("displayId") + " has open PR")
        return False
    # skip branches without pull request info
    if pull_request_info is None or len(pull_request_info) == 0:
        print(branch.get("displayId") + " without pull request info")
    #    return False

    author_time_stamp = branch_candidate.get("metadata").get(commit_info_key).get("authorTimestamp")
    # check latest commit info
    if time_now - author_time_stamp < delta_for_time_ms:
        print(branch.get("displayId") + " is too early to remove")
        return False

    # check issues statuses
    issues_in_metadata = branch_candidate.get("metadata").get(branch_related_issues)
    for issue in issues_in_metadata:
        if jira.get_issue_status(issue.get("key")) not in ACCEPTED_ISSUE_STATUSES:
            print(branch.get("displayId") + " related issue has not Resolution ")
            return False
    # so branch can be removed
    return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    DRY_RUN = False
    log = open("candidate_to_remove.csv", "w")
    log.write("'Branch name', 'Latest commit', 'Related issues has Resolution'\n")
    for repository in REPOS:
        step = 0
        limit = 10
        while flag:
            branches = Bitbucket.get_branches(
                start=step * limit,
            if len(branches) == 0:
                flag = False
            for branch in branches:
                display_id = branch["displayId"]
                committer_time_stamp = branch.get("metadata").get(commit_info_key).get("committerTimestamp") / 1000
                last_date_commit = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(committer_time_stamp))
                if is_can_removed_branch(branch):
                    if not DRY_RUN:
                    log.write("{},{},{}\n".format(display_id, last_date_commit, True))
            step += 1

^The Cleaned Example Code^

v The Cleaned v

from .bamboo import Bamboo
from .bitbucket import Bitbucket
from .confluence import Confluence
from .crowd import Crowd
from .jira import Jira
from .marketplace import MarketPlace
from .portfolio import Portfolio
from .service_desk import ServiceDesk
from .xray import Xray

__all__ = [

Hope this helps 😄

Below is a zip of the files I've made... I probably could've forked and stuff but I'm fairly new to this so better safe than sorry ;)

gonchik commented 1 year ago

Hi @aathertone , sure, you can send a pull request about that changes.

Stash is old name of Bitbucket. To me personally, old name Stash is quite warmer event Bitbucket

Cheers, Gonchik Tsymzhitov