atlassian / pragmatic-drag-and-drop

Fast drag and drop for any experience on any tech stack
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Inconsistent drag preview opacity #36

Open patorjk opened 1 month ago

patorjk commented 1 month ago

I've noticed that there seems to be an inconsistent opacity in the drag preview. I cannot figure out why it occurs but I noticed it when making my own lists. You can also see it in the examples on the example page.

Example 1: drag1

Example 2: drag2

Is there a way to ensure an opacity of 100% for the drag preview? Is there a reason it would sometimes have a ~50% opacity?

Edit: I notice that the drag previews fade in. I think this may be a timing bug where sometimes they don't get faded in all the way.

alexreardon commented 1 month ago

Can I please grab some details about the device + os + browser versions you are using?

patorjk commented 1 month ago

I tested it 3 places:

alexreardon commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you @patorjk. I'll aim to raise bug(s) with the relevant parties