atlassian / react-beautiful-dnd

Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
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stop reordering #374

Closed Vishal1419 closed 6 years ago

Vishal1419 commented 6 years ago

Bug or feature request?

possibly a feature-request

I have 5 stages. I am moving cards from one stage to another by drag and drop. Cards in all the stages are sorted by last updated date. So, when I drag a card from one stage to another, the last updated date of card will be updated. So, my card should always be added to the top of the stage.

In this scenario, it looks foolish to reorder a card as it will be always added to the top. So, I want to stop the reordering of card even when animating it. So, when user drags a card he should see that it will be added to the top of the lane instead of any other order.

alexreardon commented 6 years ago

When you move into the new list items will naturally move out of the way. This will be the wrong interaction if you can only drop on the top of the list. You could probably use some smoke and mirrors to achieve what you are after but my head is not up to it atm.

The big idea would be that you would need to tell everything except the item dragging that it needs to be ignored by the system...

I'll think about this one later!

However the big thing to note is that your specific pattern is not currently supported

TheMoonDawg commented 6 years ago

We also have a use case very similar to this. Would be a nice thing to see sometime in the future!

SPAHI4 commented 6 years ago

I also need to disable sort.

neorth commented 6 years ago

I have a similar issue with nested draggables. My app consists of manually sortable groups that themselves are droppables with draggables that are sorted automatically. Ideally I would like to disable the interactive reordering when dragging those inner draggables.

mattkrick commented 6 years ago

did anyone find a clever way to achieve this? @Vishal1419

Otoris commented 6 years ago

Bumping this. Could be really useful with some patterns.

andrewbusch7 commented 6 years ago

I'm looking for a feature like this as well. We're building something similar to JIRA, and we want the rule that if status is changing (i.e. moving to another list), then priority isn't changing (i.e. the global ordering of the cards don't change). In JIRA, you see an overlay appear over the list, and upon dropping it, it appears in the location that matches its global order. This conceptually sounds the same as the OP's request.

a-m-dev commented 6 years ago

any solution yet for preventing from reorder while dragging ?????????

matteing commented 6 years ago

Any ideas?

woohling commented 6 years ago

We have a similar situation here. We need to drag cards among different lists. Depending on different scenarios, some can drop the card into the list and reorder it among other cards in the same list, some can only drop the card into the list but reordering is forbidden due to specific logic.

It would be much better if react-beautiful-dnd provides a more flexible interface to accommodate various situation.

There's a big assumption here that interaction should be the ultimate result, but interaction often plays along with different business logic which we're quite constrained by it.

SandMoshi commented 6 years ago

I'm also bumping this. Maybe we can add a prop that visually acts like isDroppable but it allows you to still drop?

I tried a hack with using onDragUpdate to set isDroppable to true whenever the target index > 1 but it caused an infinite loop and crashed the app.


realfresh commented 5 years ago

I think the main thing everyone is looking for is the ability to move an item to another list, and not have that list shuffle around as you will be sorting it automatically. When the items shuffle, it gives the illusion that the user has control over the sort order and when they drop the item, the list reorders making it look funky.

My solution which works is to create a white box with position absolute covering the lists when the user starts the drag. The box just says "Drop here to x". This way the items below the cover may shuffle but the user at least doesn't see it. Simple but it works. Hope this helps someone.

yr-primexm commented 5 years ago

Possible workaround: set in css transform: none!important; on all items except the one the is being dragged

kwhitaker commented 5 years ago

Possible workaround: set in css transform: none!important; on all items except the one the is being dragged

I implemented this solution and it works, though it's not ideal. I'd love to just see a prop or something that would let us turn this behavior off.

Our solution:

export const maybeLockTransform = (
  isDragging: boolean,
  style: DraggingStyle | NotDraggingStyle
): DraggingStyle | NotDraggingStyle => {
  const transform = isDragging ? style.transform : "none !important";
  return {, transform };
kwhitaker commented 5 years ago

On further testing, my above solution breaks down if the user drags an item from List A, but then drops it back on List A. The item being dragged ends up being dropped on top of the nearest element in List A, and I can't seem to find a way to reset the transform after that 😢

Lukavyi commented 5 years ago

Made a fix using isDropDisabled for 2 elements in 1 list.

madox2 commented 5 years ago

I've managed to stop reordering by hiding placeholder:

<div style={{ visibility: 'hidden', height: 0 }}>
sixfirst commented 5 years ago

I've managed to stop reordering by hiding placeholder:

<div style={{ visibility: 'hidden', height: 0 }}>

not working for me...

isaackeyet commented 5 years ago

This will do it, but is pretty hacky and performance could be a lot better if the DOM didn't have to update so much anyway: (props @yr-primexm)

.draggablecontainerhere > div {
  transform: none !important;

Would love to see a new prop for this instead. We're also creating a business-oriented workflow and columns are sorted statically.

jianga commented 5 years ago

I'm looking for this too - trying to swap two items between two lists and within a list. The animation that reorders doesn't make sense for that use case.

Morphexe commented 5 years ago

Same situation, I actually just want to be able to swap items in a list. And not reordering.

buzinas commented 5 years ago

I ended up with a future-proof work-around while there isn't something official from the libraries creator:

Basically I create an empty fake Droppable on top of the real Droppable that's only visible when it's being dragged over. When someone drops a Draggable on top of it, I just assume it was dropped on the real one. By doing that, we don't rely on changing the library internals.

PS: The code above could be simplified a lot, I just took one of the examples and tested this idea.

simo-eskalera commented 5 years ago

It's a bummer that react-beautiful-dnd is a not a general dnd solution. It should be clearly noted that this is a LIST DND+SORTING library. Basic behavior (no sorting) is missing here.

We also have a basic dnd requirement where an online quiz consists of labels that the user has to drag to one of a few buckets. The order of labels when dragged is irrelevant. Having the sorting behavior in this case will only confuse the user.

alexreardon commented 5 years ago

Once 12.0 is out we can look at this one.


Burdigalax commented 4 years ago

I did it ! 🎉

1 - Disabled placeholder


          {({ innerRef, placeholder, droppableProps }) => (
            <ItemsList ref={innerRef} {...droppableProps}>
                  display: "none"

2 - Disabled animation translate except item isDragging.

function getStyle(style, snapshot) {
  if (!snapshot.isDragging) return {};
  if (!snapshot.isDropAnimating) {
    return style;

  return {,
    // cannot be 0, but make it super tiny
    transitionDuration: `0.001s`

// [...]

    {({ innerRef, draggableProps, dragHandleProps }, snapshot) => (
        style={getStyle(, snapshot)}
                // [...]



kylecombes commented 4 years ago

@alexreardon any updates on whether or not a prop to disable animations might be added?

ghost commented 4 years ago

@Burdigalax hugely helpful. Saved hours. Thanks!

vrinceanuv commented 3 years ago

An official solution would be nice @alexreardon

ghost commented 3 years ago

raggablecontainerhere > div { transform: none !important; }

This is good!

iskarica commented 3 years ago

a different solution worked for me. working on something similar to board example but the user is able to set sorting on individual stages/columns so in that case:

column (regular):

  <Draggable />
  <Draggable />

column (sorted):

<OuterDroppable> ----> same droppable as in example above but when something dropped it will always have index 0 (works for me)
  <InnerDroppable isDropDisabled={true}> ----> Nothing can be dropped here, still can drag items inside to other columns
    <Draggable />
    <Draggable />

The only issue I had is when moving stuff from InnerDroppable it takes that DroppableId instead of outer. solution: use OuterDroppable droppableID,add some suffif e.g. -sorted and just strip it later.

mochetts commented 1 year ago

I'm here for the same! would be nice to have a prop for this.

jnorvell commented 11 months ago

What is the solution to this closed issue? Is there a new property on draggable that allows us to disable item reordering?

trisDeveloper commented 6 months ago

I did it ! 🎉

1 - Disabled placeholder


          {({ innerRef, placeholder, droppableProps }) => (
            <ItemsList ref={innerRef} {...droppableProps}>
                  display: "none"

2 - Disabled animation translate except item isDragging.

function getStyle(style, snapshot) {
  if (!snapshot.isDragging) return {};
  if (!snapshot.isDropAnimating) {
    return style;

  return {,
    // cannot be 0, but make it super tiny
    transitionDuration: `0.001s`

// [...]

    {({ innerRef, draggableProps, dragHandleProps }, snapshot) => (
        style={getStyle(, snapshot)}
                // [...]


exemple exemple

works for me, Thanks!