atlp-rwanda / dynamites-ecomm-fe
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Feature: Implement the signUp page #22

Closed EddyShimwa closed 5 days ago

EddyShimwa commented 2 weeks ago


This issue aims to implement a fully functional signup page for our application and integrate the necessary APIs to handle user registration. The signup page will allow new users to create an account by providing their details, which will be validated and then submitted to our backend for processing. The signup page should be user-friendly, responsive, and secure.

Acceptance Criteria:

UI Design:

Form Validation:

API Integration:

Write unit tests for form validation functions.

EddyShimwa commented 2 weeks ago

Implementation Plan for Signup Page and API Integration

Tuesday, June 18th:

Task: Setup Project and Create Dummy Signup Page

*   Set up the project environment if not already done.
*   Create a new branch for the signup feature.
*   Create the initial structure of the signup page with basic react and redux.
*   Add form fields for Username, Email, Password, and Confirm Password.
*  Add tailwind styles Styles to the page to match the application’s design guidelines.
*   Ensure the dummy page is responsive and visually appealing.


Wednesday, June 19th:

Task: Implement Form Validation

*   Add client-side validation for all form fields.
*   Ensure that the password meets security criteria (e.g., minimum length, inclusion of special characters).
*   Validate email format.
*   Check for the uniqueness of the username and email with mock data or placeholders.
*   Display error messages for invalid input.


Thursday, June 20th:

Task: Integrate Backend API

*   Set up the necessary environment variables for the API.
*   Connect the signup form to the backend API for user registration.
*   Handle API responses and provide appropriate feedback to the user (e.g., success message, error messages).
*   Implement loading states and disable the submit button while the API call is in progress.


Friday, June 21st:

Task: Testing and Documentation

*   Write unit tests for form validation functions.
*   Implement integration tests to ensure the signup flow works correctly with the backend API.
*   Perform cross-browser testing to ensure compatibility with all major browsers.
*   Document the implementation, including setup and testing instructions.
*   Review and refactor code as needed.
*   Prepare for the final review and merge the feature branch into the develop branch.
