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Project Initialization with Vite (Local & Remote) #4

Closed wayneleon1 closed 4 weeks ago

wayneleon1 commented 1 month ago


As a Developer, I should be able to set up a new React project with TypeScript using Vite for a fast development environment, both locally and in a remote repository, so that I can efficiently begin development with the necessary tools and libraries in place.

Acceptance Criteria

Project Initialization

  1. Set up a new React project with TypeScript using Vite.
    • [x] Create a new Vite project with the appropriate template for React and TypeScript.
    • [x] Configure the project to work locally on the developer's machine.

Install Essential Dependencies

  1. Install and configure essential libraries:
    • react-router-dom: For handling routing in the application.
    • axios: For making HTTP requests.
    • redux, react-redux, @reduxjs/toolkit: For state management.
    • eslint: For linting JavaScript and TypeScript code to ensure code quality.
    • prettier: For code formatting.
    • vite: For building and serving the project.
    • vitest: For unit testing.
    • @testing-library/react, @testing-library/jest-dom: For testing React components.

Developer Notes