atlp-rwanda / knights-ecomm-be

Knights ecommerce backend APIs
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This PR is for the addition of the chatbot #109 #111

Closed maxCastro1 closed 6 months ago

maxCastro1 commented 6 months ago

What does this PR do?

This pull request empowers our application with a Natural Language Processing (NLP) chatbot, allowing users to interact in a more natural and engaging way.

Description of Task to be Completed:

Added the node-nlp library as a dependency (, enabling us to process and understand user language.

  • Created intent files defining various chatbot interactions, such as greetings, questions, and answers.
  • Trained the node-nlp model using this data, enabling it to recognize user intent within their messages.
  • Implemented a route to handle user input.
  • This route leverages the trained node-nlp model to analyze user messages, identify the intended interaction, and generate appropriate responses.

Next Steps:

coveralls commented 6 months ago

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 9370232310


Changes Missing Coverage Covered Lines Changed/Added Lines %
src/services/chatbotServices/chatBot.ts 11 14 78.57%
src/train.ts 7 21 33.33%
<!-- Total: 31 48 64.58% -->
Files with Coverage Reduction New Missed Lines %
src/utils/sendOrderMail.ts 1 91.67%
<!-- Total: 1 -->
Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 9366596204: -0.1%
Covered Lines: 2249
Relevant Lines: 2631

đź’› - Coveralls