atmafox / FFRPG4e

FFRPG4e by Bruno Carvalho
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Feb 02 Playtest Packet #329

Closed BrunoCarvalhoPaula closed 4 years ago

BrunoCarvalhoPaula commented 4 years ago

This playtest packet is intended to address some balance changes, starting with a minor buff for the Defender and a minor nerf to Wizard. The Defender's Share the Pain ability feels a bit weak right now, so this is intended to fix it.

Arcane Defense: Add "Your !Shared Pain reaction can also be used when you suffer a Melee magical attack." to the end of it.

Share the Pain should now read:

Share the Pain: Core Ability acquired at level 19. You may add your Air level to your ARM and your Fire level to your MARM. You gain the reaction !Shared Pain. Use when hit by a Melee physical attack. Do an Earth vs Earth attack, difficulty 40. If successful, after reducing the damage by your Armor or Magic Armor, split the damage evenly between you and the opponent who attacked you, bypassing the opponent’s Armor or Magic Armor. If you roll a critical hit, the enemy takes the full damage instead and you suffer no damage.

Perseus' Mirror: Add "When you sucessfully hit with the !Shared Pain reaction, you also inflict all status effects caused to you by the enemy's attack. If you critical hit with !Shared Pain, you do not suffer the status effect and still inflict it on the enemy." to the end of it.

The Wizard's Persistent Curses is a tad overpowered when combined with positive status effects, so the proposed change is to change it as such:

Persistent Curses: Requires Air level 10. When a negative status effect you inflicted with a Spell effect ends at the end of a round, you may repeat the Spell’s original attack roll. If you hit, extend its duration by one round. This ability may not extend Spell effects already extended by this ability.

BrunoCarvalhoPaula commented 4 years ago

Solved on 4.0.2 release