atmina / linting

A collection of opinionated in-house linting rules.
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[RFC] Improve peer dependency handling #249

Open reiv opened 2 months ago

reiv commented 2 months ago

Currently the package pulls in dependencies which might not always be required (e.g. React). This makes the setup very easy right now but could bloat in the future.

Approach 1:

Approach 2:

I think the second approach would also benefit projects which are themselves monorepos (microfrontends anyone?). But versioning everything might become a bit of a pain point.

mvarendorff commented 2 months ago

My gutfeeling says going with approach 2 is the long-term sane approach. For versioning, we could use changesets which I am already using to version the codegen-plugins. They also have a GitHub action we can just throw at the whole thing to auto-detect changesets and take charge on updating changelogs and versioning everything.

I am also unsure if the effort is really necessary at this time because the plugins are relatively small and don't contribute too much bloat to the node_modules compared to other packages ususally present in the project but I might be mistaken.