atom-community / atom-script

:runner: Run ( scripts | selections | source ) in Atom
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Add Selection Based support for Java #2698

Open ahmedalaboodi83 opened 2 years ago

ahmedalaboodi83 commented 2 years ago

my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z"); #list of characters used for naming my %data; #declare a hash my $st = time; #note the starting time for( $a = 0; $a <100; $a = $a + 1 ){ #enter name and age for 100 times my $name; #variable to store name my $age; #variable to store age $name .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..3; #generate a random 3 letter name $age=int(rand(100)); #generate a random age between 1 to 100 $data{$name} = $age; #add the name and age to hash (duplicates will not be added) } my $dur = time - $st; #calculate total execution time print "Execution time: $dur s\n"; #display the total execution time Code without hash my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z"); #list of characters used for naming my @data; #declare an array my $st = time; #note the starting time for( $a = 0; $a <100; $a = $a + 1 ){ #enter name and age for 100 times my $name; #variable to store name my $age; #variable to store age $name .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..3; #generate a random 3 letter name $age=int(rand(100)); #generate a random age between 1 to 100 $duplicate=0; #flag to check duplicate name for($i=0;$i<$a;$i++){ if($data[$i][0]==$name){ #check if generated name exits in array or not $duplicate=1; #duplicate name is found break; } } if($duplicate==0){ #if duplicate name is not found $data[$a][0] = $name; #add the name to array $data[$a][1] = $age; #add the age to array }else{ #if duplicate name is found $a=$a-1; } }