atom-community / ide-python

Python language support for Atom-IDE :atom: :snake:
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ide-python appears to be conflicting with ide-rust #162

Open programmerjake opened 5 years ago

programmerjake commented 5 years ago

In, ide-python appears to be using ide-rust's version of vscode-jsonrpc.

This appears to be causing ide-rust to appear to be getting invalid json-rpc messages where there is no Content-Length header since the message is misformatted:

rls (Rust's language server) doesn't appear to be running when I look at the process list, while pyls is.

I'm using: atom 1.35.1 ide-rust 0.20.0 ide-python 1.4.1

python 3.6.7 on Ubuntu 18.04 x86_64

Installed via pip3 autopep8 1.4.3 jedi 0.13.3 mypy 0.670 mypy-extensions 0.4.1 pycodestyle 2.5.0 pyflakes 2.1.1 pylint 2.3.1 pyls-mypy 0.1.5 python-jsonrpc-server 0.1.2 python-language-server 0.25.0

Arcanemagus commented 5 years ago

That's simply how Node.js dependencies work: Since the version loaded from ide-rust is compatible with the required version for ide-python Atom is simply using the copy that it has already loaded into memory.

This is a good thing, but it does make tracking down errors in async stuff like this more difficult. It looks like you've already found and commented on the issues already reported in this repository about the problem you saw.