atom-community / markdown-preview-plus

Markdown Preview + Community Features
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[RFE] Saving state of math rendering? #461

Closed cipherboy closed 4 years ago

cipherboy commented 4 years ago

Let's say I have a tree of documents:


It'd be lovely for markdown-preview-plus to save the state of the math rendering (ctrl+shift+x) for each document. Even saving the last state would be nice or a global "enable math mode by default". I find myself looking back at other documents (that aren't necessarily open when I load the editor) and having to switch on math mode for that preview (even when it is enabled in another tab/document preview).

lierdakil commented 4 years ago

FWIW, there is a global "enable math mode by default" in the package settings: (go to Atom settings, Packages tab, find markdown-preview-plus, click Settings button) image

Saving state for each document can get somewhat problematic over time, in terms of memory usage. Unless there is a hard limit on the number of documents for which the state is saved that is.

cipherboy commented 4 years ago

Well that's awkward, I swear I looked. :D My bad! Yeah, feel free to close this issue.

(I'd personally disagree on the memory usage but with the default-on and the little I use Atom for I don't particularly care.)

Thanks for the awesome plugin!