atom-community / markdown-preview-plus

Markdown Preview + Community Features
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TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativePageScrollKeys' of undefined #525

Closed Maccha-Azuki closed 2 years ago

Maccha-Azuki commented 2 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom: 1.57.0 x64 Electron: 9.4.4 OS: Unknown Windows version Thrown From: markdown-preview-plus package 4.11.0

Stack Trace

TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativePageScrollKeys' of undefined

At Cannot read property 'nativePageScrollKeys' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property 'nativePageScrollKeys' of undefined
    at /packages/markdown-preview-plus/dist/main.js:1:218581


Non-Core Packages

markdown-image-paste 2.5.2 
markdown-img-paste 0.4.0 
markdown-preview-plus 4.11.0 
pp-markdown 0.0.2 
simplified-chinese-menu 5.3.5 
lierdakil commented 2 years ago


Can't reproduce, and it shouldn't really ever happen unless Atom got the packages into an inconsistent state (like unloaded the package config before unloading the package itself or somesuch). Generally, Atom restart and/or package reinstallation fixes such issues.